Tell the best experience or interaction you had on Reddit, and the worst one.

The best for me would be when r/egg_irl helped me realize I was in fact, not cis. Or when r/aspiememes helped me comprehend that my psychologist at the time was wrong. The worst one would be every single time I had to deal with powertriping mods or when I had to fight the rampant transphobia in the platform.

    2 years ago

    My favourite Reddit moment was when I managed to connect with the dev of a script which I needed for work. He was kind enough to troubleshoot my case with it, and I’ll be forever thankful for him for that.
    My least favorite thing about Reddit was all the casual downvoting, and especially seeing mine and others’ comments being downvoted out of disagreement. Depending on the subreddit of course. To me Reddit was never a community thing, but rather a platform to exchange information and share links. Forums that I frequent provide me that community fix.