• @iamtanmay@wolfballs.com
    02 years ago

    Regarding the deleted meme you made about mixing paints into one color, thus destroying “diversity”

    Humans are not paint. We have been mixing since we were monkeys in the forest. There is no multi cultural quota in the animal kingdom.

    In the last 100,000 years that humans have existed, have we all mixed into the same color of paint ?

    No. Today we are far more diverse than our ancestors in Africa. Now we have blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin, japanese genetics, inuit genetics, native tundra genetics…

    Any child can look at the world today and tell you this meme is pure bullshit

    • @mayonesa@wolfballs.comOP
      32 years ago

      Yes, our different colors of paint exist because we did not mix.

      We diverged and specialized.

      Diversity destroys that.

      • @iamtanmay@wolfballs.com
        02 years ago

        No bro, not triggered. Actually, I thought about the same thing for many years

        I used to wonder if the whole world would become one uniform culture, boring and international. Would everyone be equal parts of everything ?

        But that was teenage me. Today as a 30 something yr old, I can appreciate world history much more.

        Look at Europeans. You’d expect they would have homogenised, with millenia of war and migration, whether mongol hordes, ottomans, Alexander, the romans or Vikings.

        And yet the continent is bursting with diversity - the northern slavs, the eastern and southern slavs, Iberians, Germanics, Scandinavians…

        The world always was mixing. Laws, boundaries… when has that ever stopped people from exploring ?

            • @mayonesa@wolfballs.comOP
              22 years ago

              No, we’re tired of the same old arguments full of obvious errors and fallacies.

              If we were all mixing all the time, specialized variants wouldn’t exist.

              Europe has been fighting itself internally over those very differences.


              • @iamtanmay@wolfballs.com
                02 years ago

                You say errors, but don’t bother to explain.

                We already were mixing all the time. Did you never read a history book ?

                Europeans have been migrating all over the place, USA, South Africa, Australia, Argentina, Brazil. Why is that ok, but the reverse is not ?

                Europe has also invaded the whole world -> crusades, colonization of Americas, Africa, Asia.

                Somehow your White purity arguments conveniently forget all this ?

                • MasterofballsM
                  22 years ago

                  I’m not sure the crusades were really an invasion. It was more like “you must allow us to worship here occasionally” they actually improved and brought peace to the region for a time for Muslims Jews and Christians. I would say it was a net gain for everyone.

                  I’ll let others debate the white purity stuff I don’t really care.

    • MasterofballsM
      02 years ago

      Yeah mixing has always been common and gives different mixtures a chance to produce new successful peoples.

      Like humans are a result of Neanderthals breeding with another human like species.

      These sort of conversations are common in free sites. I did make a rule in the side bar to reduce race baiting memes. Most people expect fairly mild content on a meme sub.

        • MasterofballsM
          12 years ago

          Always been about cheap labor IMO. The push for diversity is to keep the people from revolting as that much diversity is historically unusual and met with war rather than acceptance.

        • @iamtanmay@wolfballs.com
          02 years ago

          Yes, Political “Diversity” is just leftist games to divide people. Quotas, Affirmative action and all reverse racist are racist in themselves.

          However, natural diversity, by human beings moving around the world and settling, has been the history of humanity for the past 100,000 years.

          The same people who bitch about “LEGAL” immigrants to Europe or US, have had no problems with European migrants to South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, US, Australia etc, or their colonizations

          If you want to be fair, be fair. If you treat white people as “better” then you are a disgusting POS, just like racists of every other color.

      • @iamtanmay@wolfballs.com
        02 years ago

        I think its good to talk about everything, regardless of how repulsive… maybe even more if it is repulsive.

        Repressing certain topics makes the idea more powerful in the human subconscious

        Especially since not talking openly hides it from any criticism, blinding people to its problems

          • @iamtanmay@wolfballs.com
            12 years ago

            I actually know the train station, its Frankfurt Hbf. I lived there during this time. I worked part time as a journalist and made 2 video episodes on the crisis, with several interviews with refugees, for a student club.

            I first hand knew a lot of the refugees who came in during the crisis, and their situation over ~4 years. Everything from their transportation, and ad hoc living facilities, such as schools and gym halls being converted to house them, the admittance of them into apprenticeships to reskill them into the European labor market.

            They let in some good ones - engineers, doctors, lawyers, and a shitload of criminals.

            Because of the way they botched the background checks (non existent), and didn’t deport these criminals right away, everyone got fucked. The good refugees were fucked, german society was fucked and the idiot politicians got ass fucked.

            Though, if I had my way, the politics should have swung all the way to the right AfD after the whole botchery with so called “centrist” politicians.

            • Rootin4Putin
              22 years ago

              I worked part time as a journalist

              You can fuck off now. I’m bored. Thanks for playing.

                • Rootin4Putin
                  22 years ago

                  Is the part where your immature ass has to have the last word so you feel like you won something? Quit being a Jew. Women like you are the worst. Go ahead you can have it. Hit me with your best shot. I believe in you.

          • @iamtanmay@wolfballs.com
            12 years ago

            Yes, I agree with you. They let in absolute criminals and terrorists without doing any kind of checks.

            They completely destroyed the system of safe legal migration.

            This was 100% on Merkel and every lefty politician who turned their countries into criminal hellholes.