From Wikipedia, “A practical effect is a special effect produced physically, without computer-generated imagery or other post-production techniques.”
Some of my favorite practical effect species are from TOS. There’s the Horta from TOS “The Devil in the Dark” s1e25. I was about 9 years old when I first saw the Horta episode. Old enough to know it wasn’t real, but young enough to be utterly fascinated by something that looked like an angry chunk of hot lava making its way around on the ground.
TOS’s the Salt Vampire’s look scared little kid me. Truth be told, the way it looks still gives me the creeps.
The Gorn (TOS “Arena” s1e18) didn’t scare me, but I thought it was intimidating. Sure, it looks like somebody in a lizard man suit. But, that Gorn had a knife! And, was trying to kill Kirk! Bonus points for the Gorn’s sparkly, stylish armor.
I think tribbles are just adorable.
Well fuck, i read the question lol
I thought the vidiians were cool
Voyager crashes on the icy planet.
There is a video out there talking about how they did it
The Vidiians’ appearance as an amalgam of bits and pieces (literally) of other species is genius, and well done. Danara Pel (VOY s2e19 “Lifesigns”) is the Vidiian I remember as being nuanced and sympathetic. In “Faces” (VOY s1e14), the Sulan hearts Torres scene haunts me.
The Vidiians are the true body horror aliens of Star Trek.
I can’t say that I personally enjoyed them, but with the unsuccessful Kazon dominating the first two seasons, it was necessary to have genuinely alien and disturbing aliens to make the risks and threats of the Delta Quadrant convincing.