The Black Hand actually achieved their goals with the assassination. They were arguably the only responsible party to benefit from the war.
They were a Serbian nationalist group hoping to start a war that would result in the creation of a “Greater Serbia,” a state where Serbia dominated the regions around them.
After the Austro-Hungarian Empire was dissolved, Yugoslavia was created, led by a royal Serbian house, capital in, you guessed it, Serbia, dominating the surrounding regions.
The moral of the story is assassinate more members of the monarchy, it will be fine in the end, probably.
Food for Thought:
The Black Hand actually achieved their goals with the assassination. They were arguably the only responsible party to benefit from the war.
They were a Serbian nationalist group hoping to start a war that would result in the creation of a “Greater Serbia,” a state where Serbia dominated the regions around them.
After the Austro-Hungarian Empire was dissolved, Yugoslavia was created, led by a royal Serbian house, capital in, you guessed it, Serbia, dominating the surrounding regions.
The moral of the story is assassinate more members of the monarchy, it will be fine in the end, probably.
Sound of Yugoslav Wars in the distance
You know after two world wars, a cold war, a civil war and a little light genocide… So 50/50?
There wasn’t anything in the manifesto about how long it had to last!