Hi, everyone!

To properly bid farewell to 2023, we made a roundup of the most-read articles on our blog in case you missed them. As usual, the most popular articles were the most practical ones, helping readers understand the issues around online privacy, as well as dealing with common VPN use cases:

How to change your IP address on Windows?

Can my VPN see my internet activity?

Can someone see my internet history if we use the same WiFi?

Five best torrent clients for your privacy 2023

How to share a VPN connection on Windows and Linux?

In addition to these, you seem to have been really excited about the news surrounding Proton VPN, like the release of our browser extension, as well as the deep dives into global issues affecting privacy, such as the Great Firewall of China.

With this thread, we’re starting a new series here on r/ProtonVPN - we’ll round up top blog articles from the previous month for you to make sure you’re all caught up on the latest news and tips. You can follow our blog here, and we welcome all your suggestions about what we should write about next! Let us know in the comment below!