WYSK: There funded by dark money PACS, but some good reporting has brought out these names: David Koch, Peter Thiel, Reid Hoffman, Mark Cuban, Harlan Crow, and Michael Bloomberg. Some of there members are most famous for stopping big bills. Joe Leiberman, for example, single handedly stopped the single payer portion of the ACA. Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsen Simena kept the John Lewis voting rights act from passing, and famously kept the senate from repealing the filibuster.

    • Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Pink washing doesn’t make the party “left”. It doesn’t absolve the democrats of being warmongers, global keepers of imperialism, upholders of torture facilities or the border concentration camps full of children.

      What makes them left or right is where they sit economically as representatives of the capitalist class, the millionaires and billionaires.

      Even David Cameron, former leader of the Tories, is to the left of Biden.

      I absolutely agree that Labour throwing trans people under a bus is abhorrent though. Unfortunately with the way things are there is no left spoiler alternative to go for, although the Greens will probably function as one they’re very far from what the those of us in the third of the country who fought for Corbyn believe in.