• BlackLotus@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    In the deep past. Unless time travel has happened, all you’re doing is muttering about ancient history.

    Ok, same argument could be made for someone exploited 10 minutes ago. Stop being obtuse.

    Your example offers no insight, when we’re talking about something that is a current problem or at least an alleged current problem.

    Exploitation is still a current problem, the forces of violence used to exploit workers is more abstract, but it’s still present, albeit in less severe form than during the era of slavery.

    Which is my point. Supposing that “exploitation” is even a valid concept, then it must be the lesser of the two when compared with violence. So use the stronger argument and say “that was violence”. Not “that was exploitation”.

    However, without a good explanation of what exploitation is separate and distinct from violence, it’s not even clear there is such a thing as exploitation.

    A lot of words which show you don’t know what you’re talking about. They were both violence AND they were both exploitation. Use your brain.

    More so than you, apparently. Like, can you give me a book title, or an author? Without that, your jab’s just a schoolyard taunt.

    Marx’s Capital would be a good start. There’s no better analysis of capitalism than that one.

    I am educated. I am intelligent, and I’m pointing out that there isn’t some common sense or widely accepted definition of what exploitation is. Everyone talks about it (because it has emotional punch), but without anyone even hinting at what it is.

    Exploit: to make use of meanly or unfairly for one’s own advantage

    That’s the definition sane people are using with the word exploit. Exploitation is, then, the unfair use of an advantage. In the context of slavery, it was the slavers unfairly using their advantage of being a slaver and having authority to use as much violence as they wanted against the enslaved.

    In capitalism, it wasn’t that long ago when the capital owners regularly brutalized their workers. This is even still the case in parts of the world other than the imperial core that I’m sure your pampered ass lives in. Either way, even without the explicit violence of the owning class members, the police are categorically a violent arm of their dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, which is the “democracy” in which you live. Assuming you don’t live in one of the very few dictatorships of the proletariat.

    If it is exploitation any time two people of unequal wealth (or power, or whatever) trade, then this disallows all trade effectively, keeping the poor in poverty.

    No one said anything about trade, trade isn’t capitalism. Read a book. Capitalism is a system where the capitalists control the capital and the workers must sell their labor in order to obtain the means of subsistence from the owners of capital.

    Huh? What is value, other than some arbitrary number assigned to a good or a service, which explains how much demand there is for it? That is, by its nature, subjective. Changing.

    Yeah, hence not educated. You clearly went to school, because you are capable of stringing semi-coherent sentences together, but you are uneducated on this topic. Read about political economy by non-bourgeois authors for a change.

    poor quality left shoes that the Soviet Shoe Factory produced.

    You’re clearly insanely biased and you have no concept of material conditions or reality.

    I’m done with this conversation. I encourage you to approach again this topic with the humility that you should have. You should not be asserting anything, you should only be asking questions and trying to learn. You are not informed or educated on this topic. The only information you have is insanely biased from bourgeois thinkers who want to keep the working class enslaved.