Do you like what you do? Do you like your industry but dislike your job? Do you like your job but not the industry? If the salary was $200k what would your ideal job be?
Do you like what you do? Do you like your industry but dislike your job? Do you like your job but not the industry? If the salary was $200k what would your ideal job be?
Being good at the job is always half the battle. I hate documentation, training, procedures… I just want to do the things. Sorry about the burnout. I’m sure there is something you have a lingering passion or desire for. Low pressure jobs that let your mind drift, or something fun that just doesn’t pay.
I think I’d like to teach at least the idealized version in my head. I don’t know if I could deal with the people if half the stories you hear are true, and I don’t think I would be happy with the pay cut.