• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • When I was much younger, my family went to spend some time with my uncle and his children. My uncle’s wife had died in a horrific accident a year or so before, and one of the kids had been in the car at the time. I didn’t believe in ghosts then, and still have a hard time believing in the supernatural even after this. But let me tell you, her room was spooky AF. It had all the stereotypical poltergeist activity: the door’s handle would MOVE, then the door would fly open, shake, then slam shut OVER AND OVER. Things would move around the room when you weren’t looking. Things would move WHILE you were looking (pieces of your clothing). Bangs would chase you from one side of the room to another. I found out later that poltergeists are apparently attracted to disturbed children, and my cousin was obviously having a really difficult time. I’ve never experienced anything like that since, thank goodness. Give me the oogies just thinking about it.