Love this album
Dance, dance!
Yeah buddy!
Lmfao Arch Enemy was the first band that made me go “woah wait that’s a woman?”
Arch Enemy is another one.
Doomsday Machine ( great album.
Favorite release: Once (
Lmfao just go outside and hold onto the grass. You’ll be okay!
It’s a requirement to turn this one up whenever it comes on.
Channel your inner rage against the machine… Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me.
To whip it.
Lmfao same! When it came on I was like oh shit I love this song lmfao
Hey Joe, where you going with that gun in your hand?
Fucking love this song
Hurry boy, she’s waiting there for you!
Lmfao right? This is nuts. I love both albums haha
I didn’t share, because I didn’t care.
Well hello there.
Agreed! I prefer an album I can listen to from start to finish.