Yep. My most up voted comment here has 101 updoots. I had a few on reddit before the algorithm changes that had a couple to a few thousand updoots.
Yep. My most up voted comment here has 101 updoots. I had a few on reddit before the algorithm changes that had a couple to a few thousand updoots.
TIL Will Ferrell was trying to look like the lead singer of Prodigy, with his character in Zoolander.
Cathode Ray Tubes were just the best solution for the time. We got more efficient later.
Well, dogs had ≈ 163,000 year head start on domesticating us.
“We don’t see (this) often, even if we live in the country. Lots of deer, but collisions with a bear and two people died? That’s really rare.”
The black bear in question had been hit by a car, which is why it was airborne.
They love using that flag. Send them to Liberia since they stan for it so much
What is happening in panel 4?
Nope. Even Fortran programers hate that vile language.
Nope. Just his mittens.
“We named the dog Indiana!”
Henry Jones Sr.
Raiders of the Lost Ark
I wanna know if he auditioned for this part, or auditioned for Django, and someone had to tell him that they had “a different idea” for him, lol
Alternatively, if sound worked in a vacuum, the way light does, The Sun would be the loudest thing in the solar system.
Only a little bit. Smelters are made to liquify metal. My forge can’t liquify iron or steel. I probably could liquify gold or lead, but I haven’t tried it.
Burning it is too slow. I got some C-4
I suppose one could make some short term money by making an EV → Hybrid conversion kit…
B-2 then not B-12. You want riboflavin. I always mix those two up.
I have been told by multiple Korean, Chinese, and Japanese immigrants that I could make a decent living as an extra eating with chopsticks in the background of their TV/ movies. I use a pair of stainless steel chopsticks with no notching, so they are totally smooth, making them “master level” difficulty to use. Apparently the fact that I’m left handed is a bonus. Oh, I’m the whitest kid you know with sandy blonde almost brown hair.
I call it my “stealth field.” I’ve had multiple people look directly at me, multiple times, and then jump scare when I move. I’m 6’3", and 240. The walking silently is just a bonus, though it sounds very loud to me.
Taco Bell gave me a “golden” PS4 a few years ago.
I also have ridiculous endurance. I can honestly say that an Amish crew told me that “No Englishman has ever outworked us before!” I appreciated their help, but I wanted that tree dealt with before it got any colder. Tree blew down in Hurricane Irene, and I needed it racked and ranked to start drying.
Funnily enough, the area that is currently known as New Mexico has been called New Mexico for longer than the area currently called Mexico has been called Mexico. So New Mexico is actually Old Mexico. That’s probably not the source of their confusion, but it is a fun fact.