• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Yes, the map sources try to include the CO2 emissions of all the chain.

    When doing that you see that nuclear still has very low emissions. Nuclear is a lot of CO2 emissions for construction but after that there is not much. The fact that most of the French nuclear reactor are almost 40 years old means that the impact of construction is already diluted.

    Uranium mining is polluting, yes, but you need so little that it does not really have a big impact on the CO2/kWh ratio. 1kg of natural uranium produce as much energy as 14,000kg of coal !

    What is interesting on this map is that right now the green countries either have a lot of nuclear, a lot of hydroelectricity or both. Country with a lot of wind and solar struggle to meaningfully lower their CO2 emissions. I think it will come but right now the backup power used for when solar and wind production are low is often polluting and counterbalance the low emissions of renewable energy.

  • I’m fascinated by this director and the actor.

    They hated each other, were constantly fighting to the point Kinsky almost killed Herzog but they still shot 5 movies together in the most impossible locations.

    At one point one of the native chief they were working with offered to kill Hinsky. Herzog declined the offer because he still needed the Hinsky to finish the movie.

    For Fitzcarraldo they bought 3 similar 320 tons steamboat. They actually pulled the boat uphill manually without any special effects. Then in the scene were the boat crashed in the rapid they actually crashed the boat on rapid while filming inside. Half of the people involved in the filming of this sequence ended up injured.

    Two plane crashed during the movie … Honestly I fell like what happened behind the scenes of the movie is even more fascinating and dramatic than the movie itself.

  • I imagine the meeting at SpaceX.

    The HR manager : So, now that the production is ramping up for Starship in Texas, most of our investments are there and most of our workforce is there already.

    Should we move our headquarters there too ? We are getting some good incentives from the Texas government but moving everyone will be tough …

    Musk stumbling in the meeting room while looking at his phone

    What are we talking about ?

    HR manager : moving our headquarter to Texa…

    Musk: Right ! because if the trans law of California !

    HR: not really, it’s more becau…

    Musk: Let me post that on X leaves the room while typing on his phone

  • Je suis content d’avoir acheté ma voiture au début de l’année.

    J’aurais bien aimé acheter une voiture électrique française ou européenne mais au moment ou j’ai acheté c’était au moins 50% plus cher pour une voiture de taille équivalente ou inférieur.

    Du coup vu mon budget c’était

    • soit une voiture électrique chinoise qui roule à l’électricité française
    • soit une voiture française qui roule au pétrole Saoudien/Lybien

    J’ai choisi l’électrique chinoise vu que les voiture thermiques sont sur la sortie er que ça même si ça fait un plus gros budget d’achat ça permet de réduire le budget mensuel lié aux déplacements.

    Et évident en premier la considération écologique même si je pense que entre voiture thermique et électrique c’est un peu bonnet blanc, blanc bonnet.