CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • At home braun silk 5 is amazing. Don’t use this for your face. For face - yeah, this sucks. You’re gonna have to go in and get laser done. It’s worth it but slow and painful. I’m sorry.

    Is this because the facial skin is thinner and can get damaged more easily, so a professional grade device with a trained practicioner is needed? If that’s the case are there other parts of the body that should not be treated with an at-home ipl device and should be done with laser by a professional, e.g. armpits, groin, scrotum?

    The hair is the worst part, even just shaving parts of my body I feel so much better

    Thank you for the response and sorry I took so long to get back to it, this stuff is emotionally daunting to confront and I guess I avoid it and put it off til I have the bandwidth to consider it more.

    And I guess lastly do laser and IPL permanently remove the hairs over time, or if people stop doing the treatments for a few years do they grow back? I tried reading some stuff about it and it wasn’t clear; some places said “it’s not permanent” If I’m going to take a risk of going go for an in-person unmasked appointment I’m going to need . Although one article mentioned that laser should be done by a dermatologist, and unfortunately it seems most doctors in my area that I’ve encountered don’t take covid seriously anymore.

    Fuck this is all so overwhelming. I imagine in order to get insurance to cover it I’d have to be out to a healthcare practitioner too like my therapist, or see a trans-specific doctor?

  • lmao they really are trying to grasp at straws to malign Jill Stein.

    Stein has echoed similar MAGA sentiments

    has she really though? Citation needed.

    arguing that the U.S. is at fault for Putin’s war.

    This is not MAGA shit and is also obviously true to anyone who looks at the situation. It is not possible to look at the history of NATO expansion in Ukraine and conclude otherwise. US Empire apologists keep repeating these buzz-phrases so that nobody even thinks to look at the events that led up to the war.

    She has a long history of touting Russian propaganda

    But then links to an article where she does no such thing.

    and after dining in Moscow with Putin and Trump aide Michael Flynn Apparently politicians aren’t supposed to do diplomacy

    she received help from Russian election-meddlers during her 2016 run

    I have gone out of my way to pay as little attention to RussiaGate as possible because it seemed so obviously bullshit on its face, but what I did have the misfortune of learning is that 1. every candidate had bots making comments in their favor, 2. it was a small and insignificant amount, and 3. none of the candidates were behind those bots. It’s not their fault if a psyop was attempted using their candidacy. Why is this asshole going after Jill Stein when Hilldawg also had bots botting for her?

    She has lied about Biden’s climate laws, Links to a tweet that is true.

    lied about his expansion of the Affordable Care Act Links to a tweet that is true.

    lied about his immigration policy Links to a tweet that is true.

    and accused Democrats of being fascists posing a threat to democracy Where’s the lie?

    These are not the views of “radical left liberals. Literally one sentence after talking about how liberals are fascists and are therefore not part of the antifascist radical left.

    Do you think the people who write this shit believe their own bullshit?

    Simply put: There will be no … President Stein.

    There should be. There would be if all the Democratic voters who claim to care about freedom, liberty, justice, equality, and defeating fascism actually cared enough to defect and vote for Dr. Stein instead of for their creepy war criminal senile uncle.

  • You know what fair point. A windows 10 update broke my wireless about a year ago. There’s a gigantic thread on the Intel forums of people sharing tips on what drivers fix it, run by a former Intel employee, but the fix didn’t work on my machine so I use it offline or with Ethernet now.

    I may as well find my Windows 10 OEM key and then give Linux a try. Worst case scenario I just reinstall Windows 10. Or, shit, there’s 2 drives in this thing, I could dual boot off the 2nd drive.

  • Solidarity.

    My mom has had Indian store owners be all friendly to her because her name is obviously south asian (one even said “oh that’s my mom’s name!”) but then as soon as they find out she’s Muslim they get hostile and threatening to her and want to argue about it. Not all stores, but she’s had to shop around to find a store that wasn’t run by such overt fascists. And she’s like, hey, we’re in the US, leave the grudges at the border! Her family has AMPLE reason to hate hindu nationalists what with the massacres and needing to flee during the partition but she’d rather leave all that in the past, but the hindutva fuckers want to harass an old woman.

    Anyway they’re lucky they’ve never actually physically attacked her, because I would fedpost the store of anyone who fucking touched her.