• 1 Post
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年12月5日

  • It’s pretty common to come across someone online claiming they’re just too smart to ever be fooled by conspiracies/cults (religious, political, commercial), but it’s actually really important not to assume intelligence is all you need to avoid it. Everyone should be aware of and have a guard up against tactics of undue influence. It might be easier to reach the conspiracy/cult believers if we could say ‘look, it’s not that you’re stupid’, but it seems like this article is suggesting the rest of the sentence is ‘it’s just that you’re bad at thinking’, which isn’t a lot better… ha.

  • Dyslexie was one of the first fonts I looked at specifically for accessibility purposes. Unfortunately, despite it’s utility, it looks too much like a ‘fun’ font for our documents. Our reports are publicly published for the legal/administrative record, and need to reflect that level of professionalism. :/

    Someone else suggested a font that’s helpful for vision impaired people that I will take forward in this process, so maybe I can get a different accessible font through. Really appreciating the thoughtfulness for people with various reading challenges!

  • Our designs have to comply with ADA, so accessibility is definitely a familiar consideration. This looks like any other professional looking sans-serif font, so if it’s more accessible for low vision/vision impaired people, all the better! I like that uppercase i and lowercase L are distinguishable, which is a personal peeve I have with some sans serif fonts. Thanks for the suggestion!