Looking out the window?
That’s a paddlin’
Looking out the window?
That’s a paddlin’
Can I give it the monumental task of loving me with scarlett johansson’s personality? 🥲
I drove by the B&M factory once and couldn’t help but think they should have baked beans on tap and serve them out of like snifters and pilsner glasses.
Yeah hah I was a lurker there. I’ve just been getting into it really, so I don’t know ball super well and didn’t want to get post roasted for my ignorant takes lol. And the hate on “all the pussies that care so much about reddit” made me feel bad for the mods cus they probably cared (with good cause) and they deserved to make their own choice without getting shit on about it.
I have spoken.
Haha, i love everything about this.
Love seeing the bike lanes posts. I just moved to a new area so everything is new to me. There’s a little park in the neighborhood that has free music many weekends in the summer though so that’s a cool thing.
Feel you on that pay freeze bs. Funny that my boss and his boss just got promotions like 2 weeks before the email went out about how raises will be “on hold”.
Dang you got a high sunset bar homie.