Empathy [he/him]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • If it were the US vs another democratic country, I would feel like that too.

    I’m particularly concerned with China (and Russia) because:

    • They are not a democratic country.
    • They do not have freedom of speech like most countries
    • As far as I perceive, they are generally enemies of well-intentioned countries.

    I might have a different perspective though. I’m a fairly recent US immigrant from Canada.

    Edit: I’d like to add, my tone may come across wrong over written text, I’m just trying to understand people’s overall perspective and whether mine is different, I’m not trying to argue and I’m not upset at you nor any of the commenters I’ve seen on similar posts.

  • I only worked there for a few months. I was not treated well.

    They gave me most of my schedule within a few days of my shifts, and frequently called me in my off days to demand I come in. This is against official policy, but clearly it wasn’t enforced.

    Additionally, I was blatantly lied to during the interview then gaslit. The only reason I accepted the job was because they had recruiters at my college advertising a program where students would only work seasonally outside college semesters. I wanted to focus on my studies and my college was very cheap. They reiterated that during my interview. A few days from my semester starting, they started listing several upcoming days where I’d need to work, and called me a liar for telling them I wasn’t supposed to work outside semesters.

    There were other issues I’d rather not bother writing here.

    The most insulting part of all this isn’t even how they treated me, it’s how I can’t bring that up to anyone without people jumping to poor lil Costco’s defense and saying it’s “for sure only the store you worked at”.

    In case anybody feels the urge to call me spoiled, I also worked at Walmart and it didn’t really leave an impression on me. It was fine, my only negative experience there was one HR person.