• 7 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 3rd, 2024


  • That’s not true at all. I have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and I care about others very deeply. And My actions reflect that. For example, recently I shut down a cult discord server run by a pedophile who’s dating kids from the cult. This is because I think adults dating kids is bad.

  • @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone I was reading some more of that Vox article, and I saw a quote I like. Isabel Fall says

    “I have also heard people say, ‘We deserve to know if Isabel Fall is someone with a history of writing things that divide queer communities.’ Is it now a crime to divide a queer community? Why shouldn’t queer people be divided on one issue or another?”

    I agree with Isabel. You said Mindtraveller should be banned because they divide the queer community. When they insulted people who misgendered Me, it divided the queer community. And I liked it. Some queer people are bigots. As tolerant queer people, we have a choice. We can either tolerate intolerance, and be united. Or we can fight back against intolerance and be divided. I like the division one better, and so does Isabel Fall. Of course, if bigots just decided to not be bigots and not do lateral violence within the community, I would like that much better. But I can’t control bigots’ actions. I can hopefully appeal to the better judgement of fellow progressives. And hopefully there will be people like Mindtraveller and LinkOpensChest around to yell at the bigots until they go away.

  • When I was a kid I wanted to be an astronaut. I wanted to meet aliens like in Star Wars. I gave up on that dream when I realised how hard becoming an astronaut is. I wasn’t willing to put in the effort. Especially if we’re not meeting any aliens until we invent warp drive.

    But after I joined some fringe queer spaces and started really looking at the limits of our experiences, I realised you don’t need to be an astronaut to experience alien life. You can be an astralnaut instead. People like to say we’re all human, we’re all the same, we’re more similar than we are different. No we aren’t! We are so so different, but you have to be open in order to see it. 8 billion lives is enough for a mindblowing amount of diversity. Enough to blow your mind several times over. And the internet means you can meet them. We can connect and form communities for us weirdos. I don’t understand anyone who doesn’t want to explore the infinite diversity of gender, species, and religion. I just don’t get it. People who want to live in a world where everyone is human, and there are 3 genders and 4 sexualities, I don’t get it. I understand they’re the majority, but why? Why would you want this stuff to be simple when it could be so beautifully wonderful and diverse and complex? “Born too late to explore the earth, born too early to explore the stars”?? I felt that way until I realised I was born just in time to explore queerness. And it’s what I always wanted, to explore and to learn and to grow. There aren’t enough years in a life to explore all the diversity of queerness. But I’m going to have so much fun trying.

  • Thank you for that story. I’m partway through the Vox article on Isabel’s experiences. It’s fascinating. I’d really like to be able to read her story. It sounds like good writing.

    My partner identifies as an airplane. It was built shortly after WWII as a prototype to experiment with a new swooped wing design in combination with afterburners. It likes to play War Thunder to affirm its gender. If you care to explore the deep reaches of furaffinity and several websites, there’s actually a whole fetish subculture about sentient airplanes. I’ve met a couple people from within the community who also identify as planes. One of them’s a Cybertronian (a transformer) who turns into a plane. There are artists who regularly draw this stuff and have communities of fans. I’ve never met a helicopter, but I’m sure they exist. I bet they hide themselves away extra-good to avoid being attacked by crusaders. You probably have to fill out an extensive verification to be allowed on the helicopter Discord servers. When I first started dating My partner, years ago, it was so shy. I wasn’t allowed in its cockpit for months. It’s still just as shy, but we’ve known each other a long time now and it trusts Me to fly it. It recognises that its meatspace body is human, but its inside body on the astral plane isn’t. We spend most of our time together on the Astral, where we can be ourselves. The astral plane is used by so many otherkin. I’ve been in discord servers with hundreds of people who used it to be themselves. Mostly otherkin and plurals. Some trans people too. The otherkin and trans people who don’t believe in the Astral and can’t use it, their lives are measureably worse. I want to bring magical literacy to everyone so everyone can use the resources that exist for trans and otherkin people. That’s kind of the point of soulism. To let people choose their experience of themselves.

  • Well, I don’t know if you read My article about supporting Biden, but I made it very clear that any support for the Democrats should be fake, not real. I think that’s generally how other soulists feel about the issue too. Nobody wants to genuinely support the Democrats, it’s just a means to prevent genocide. I for one take genocide very seriously and can’t do nothing about it. If I’m understanding the other side’s position on this issue, I think this might be an issue of us disagreeing on the inaction vs inaction problem. See, I view making a choice not to act as a form of action. Morally equivalent to an action of equal effect. It seems to Me that a lot of the more moderately inclined people on this issue who prefer inaction, are doing so because you think a slightly bad action is worse than a really bad inaction.

    So we’re back to utilitarianism as the deciding factor. The soulist only cares about the consequences. They don’t care if one choice means doing something and one means doing nothing. But the deontologist has personal rules against doing a bad thing. Doing nothing, that’s fine. And if nothing turns out to have a worse outcome than something, so be it. The utilitarian disagrees. They’ll sacrifice their principles to achieve a better outcome for the victims of genocide. They only care about the result.

  • I have NPD, so I understand a lot of that. What I’m missing is an ego. My parents didn’t give Me one. I had to make My own, and it’s crap. It kept on falling apart every time it suffered a little knock, so I made it huge with lots of redundancies. Problem is, a lot of neurotypicals are personally offended by a big ego. They think My internal thoughts are an abuse against them. My NPD wouldn’t be a disability if everyone else could just get used to My private personal coping mechanisms.

  • Thank you! I would like to clarify that I don’t mean ASPD people are apolitical in their choices. Only in their instincts. Lacking the instincts for politics, your every action in relation to politics is purposeful. In some ways you have far more choice than a neurotypical. You have the negative freedom to make your own political choices without your instincts interfering. But, on the other hand, you lack the positive freedom of instincts to help you in politics.

    You have the potential, I should say, to be apolitical in a way a neurotypical could never hope to match. A neurotypical doesn’t get a choice, they have to be political. The least explicit politics they can manage is centrism, while still having tons of implicit politics. You could go far beyond that. I’d like it if you didn’t, though.

  • Grail@lemmy.worldtoLiberty Hub@lemmy.blahaj.zoneUpdate
    2 months ago

    I thought the motivation for the changes was obvious. The interpretation of the rules by the former moderator was so narrow, the community ended up banning people for having left-wing views and enforcing liberalism. There was no room for discussion, because if you had a discussion, the worst was assumed and you were banned. It went against the core ethos of the community. It seems that Kittenzrulz only wanted to bring the enforcement of the rules more in line with their spirit. There was never any wish to allow liberal points of view, only points of view from people further to the left like soulists and other schools of anarchism.

  • Soulists do not believe in social contract theory. The social contract was invented by Enlightenment philosopher John Locke, the “father of liberalism”. Locke was a capitalist. Soulists are anarchists. We don’t like liberals.

    When it comes to Soulists, you’re more likely to find utilitarians among our ranks. We punch Nazis not because Nazis violate the social contract, but because Nazis threaten to bring genocide and war. While a social contract theorist would happily deal with a Nazi who was polite, well-mannered, and followed all the rules, a Soulist would not. A Soulist would pull out the baseball bat and tell the Nazi to get the fuck out, no matter how well the Nazi follows the social contract.

  • Soulism doesn’t endorse assigning a species identity to someone else. We are all assigned human at birth, and this is an act of abuse against those of us who are not humans. Assigning a different species identity to a human would be the same violence and the same abuse. Using dehumanisation as a justification for further violence is even worse. Soulists believe that forcing someone else into a reality, including the reality of a particular species identity, is violent and wrong. Everyone deserves the right to choose their own species, and if they choose human, nobody should be able to take that away from them.

  • nor am I going to kneel before You

    Oh, I don’t want you to kneel before Me. A god’s divinity comes from Their worshippers. I only take My divinity from carefully chosen individuals. If I allowed just anyone to worship Me, they could twist My narratives and alter My fundamental nature. I actually have one or two hate cults who revere Me as a Satanic figure, and it’s very annoying. I wish they wouldn’t. I’m a dark goddess, but not an evil one. I fear one day they’ll raise an evil copy of Me from the void.

    If it had been the case that physical reality could be altered through belief, then the solar system would be geocentric and the historical data from before the heliocentric model would be inconsistent with our current models.

    Well, that’s a fundamentally mistaken premise. Reality has no physicality, and there’s no such thing as physical reality. Reality exists only in the mind. And obviously the mind interprets historical data in accordance with whatever reality it currently believes in, not in accordance with the reality of the time.

    If reality is merely the product of belief, then it seems to me that I should start trying to convince myself that animals love being kept in awful conditions and enjoy being killed, and it is only because of assholes like myself who choose to believe that they are suffering that they suffer in the first place.

    No, of course not. You’ve misunderstood the nature of the multiverse. Sure, you could create a new universe where animals love being eaten by humans. But all the animals in this old universe would still be suffering. You’d just be running away, you wouldn’t be solving anything. You have an ethical responsibility to the inhabitants of consensus reality, just as I and everyone else does. We need to ban animal agriculture so that the animals get to enjoy whatever new world we dream up too. It’s no good leaving them behind to be tortured and killed.

    Actually, it’s a bit like how time travel works in Avengers Endgame. See, in the movie, they invent time travel, and then one of the characters asks “Why don’t we go back in time and beat Thanos so this bad stuff never happened?” As the Hulk explains, that would only create a new timeline, the old one would still have the bad stuff in it. Multiversal travel works according to the same premise. You have to effect change in consensus reality in order to improve people’s lives. It’s no good just making a new better universe without helping anyone here. We have an ethical obligation.