• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Reddit does not really have a reputation of fair-play. As you have deleted your account without deleting your data you might find it restored with a dummy handle “for consistency”.

    My advice to anyone: if you want to take your data back from reddit you should first edit your posts (to some “lorem ipsum suck fpez” gibberish) then delete them using tools like power delete suite or shreddit.

    Then you should keep your account alive and regularly pay reddit a visit just to see if its content hasn’t been restored. If you’re in a country under GDPR regulation you can also ask for a GDPR archive of your data that should cover whatever they have on you including posts and comment. This is a good way of verifying what you deleted was actually deleted and not just “marked as” and yet available.

    I have left reddit. As in, I do not engage further than discussing migration issues. But I keep an eye on my account and will do so until I’m sure it’s been thoroughly cleaned up. Account deletion is not yet in order, it might be before they go public because I also want them to fall hard from that.

  • Un mec c’est con, un jeune mec c’est encore plus con !
    Déjà entre garçons les plaisanteries sur la zigounette du voisin vont bon train, alors imagine le pauvre geek de service tout droit sorti de Stranger Things se retrouvant à faire son petit besoin alors qu’un groupe de filles arrive, et interpellé par le quarterback à grande bouche local (ils sont toujours là au mauvais endroit, au mauvais moment !).

    Quant aux filles je ne les exempte pas totalement d’une vacherie ou d’une provocation quelconque. Le mauvais goût n’est pas l’apanage exclusif d’un sexe ou l’autre, à plus forte raison à l’âge où l’on se “teste” beaucoup l’un l’autre.

    Je pense que la controverse est là, le maintien des urinoirs dans des toilettes mixtes aurait amplifié la gêne de certains et la toxicité d’autres.

  • Depends on the content.

    Recently I was reading on r/modcoord about the r/canning mod team being served the adminmail of doom. The top mod there explained that they are a few individuals willing to moderate that particular sub because they are savvy enough to moderate it properly. As in, if you say something wrong on this sub it could end up with people dead of botulism because of bad advice.

    Another example which I’m more involded in is r/electronic_cigarette. The sub has a ton of relevant advice, reviews and recipes so moving its content would instantaneously bring up its knowledge base to the fediverse.

    Now if it’s just to fill the place with casual chitchat oh well, it’ll happen soon anyway. Won’t be a major game changer if some of it is imported from reddit.

    There is one thing though we probably should pay attention to: is it legal? How far does reddit “own” the content we bring and can they cause mischief and lawsuits for plagiarism for such imported content?

  • I’m not sure this data’s worth a lot though, as many users (likely most of them) are using anon or throwaway accounts with none to little link to the rest of their activity. Sure it can be processed for statistics but I don’t think there’s a lot to extract further. Reddit is no facebook where the average joe has its “average joe” account, and I don’t think signing up with a google/apple/whatever account is the most common practice on reddit (or at least with your real, non-portmanteau anon account).

    As for archived posts and comments they’re already publicly available on archive sites. Why would anyone buy them?

  • But what Reddit is putting a price on is access to content generated by its users, not Reddit itself.

    Spot on. Spez is short-sighted thinking he can “musk out” of this situation, as reddit is no twitter.

    Twitter’s value is on its users: often empty but famous shells moving hot air from tweet to tweet. Reddit’s value was in the content we brought but as soon as we stop feeding the beast it’s just a glorified wayback machine. That is, if we do not delete our past contributions.

  • Idem pour mon lycée, cité u et une bonne partie des facultés que jai pu fréquenter tant en France qu’en Belgique ou même à Londres. Et c’était dans les années 70-80. Ca me semble même incongru qu’on ait à devoir presque réimposer ce qui semblait alors une évidence qui ne gênait personne.

    Au niveau professionnel c’est plus varié j’ai vu de tout depuis les toilettes genrées japonaises dans des pépinières d’entreprise ou de grosses structures jusqu’au coin popo mixte avec bombe de déo obligatoire à côté du frigo et de la cafetière dans de plus petites boîtes.

    Au final on y fait les mêmes choses et sans façon aucune. À moins d’être bizarrement configuré mais ça c’est un soi-problème, pas un “de société”.