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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • One thing AI has taught me is that it’s not really about the specific move (unless it’s life and death), but about direction. Almost always playing roughly in the correct direction results in +/- 2 point changes at best, whereas wrong direction, even if it’s locally good can easily cost you 5-10 points. It really helped me stop fussing over the “correct sequence”/joseki/fuseki and focus on mistakes that were actually costing me the games.

    For training my intuition I find replaying/memorizing pro games is still far more effective, since the moves follow human reasoning and shapes. AI seems to work best as a review tool for finding/exploring mistakes.

  • This sentiment always pops up when the topic is discussed, but it doesn’t really make any sense.
    Any sort of setup depends on the government not being co-opted or corrupted.
    Free speech absolutism does nothing to prevent a corrupt government from censoring you.
    You can’t really use that as an argument for free speech absolutism when it suffers from the exact same issue.

  • The problem with the line of thinking that this is some sort of deception or a trap, is that none of what is happening here is working towards anything. You simply can’t do surprise troop movements in the age of GEOINT, nor are intelligence agencies so single-minded you could “distract” them with a fake coup, nor does this have any effect on the current Ukrainian offensive. The supposed trap is missing the “trap” part.

  • Ammattimainen firman väki olisi osannut pitää suun supussa pari kuukautta, ja katsonut miten moni subi väsähtää itse

    Heidän kannalta tässä ongelmana on suuri riski että yhteisö siirtyy muualle, jos protesti jatkuu viikkoja. Useat käyttäjät kuitenkin selaavat redditiä lähinnä tottumuksesta. Muutaman viikon tauko rikkoisi tuon aika monen kohdalla.