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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Misogyny happens everywhere, but it doesn’t help fight it when calling the public misogynists because they didn’t support a dreadful candidate. A man can be a dreadful candidate, and so can a woman.

    The degradation of women’s rights is down to failure of the Democrats to maintain balance in the supreme court. It also represents RBGs inability to step aside when Democrats were in power. Supreme Court justices should have some decency, retire at say 67, and allow a new generation to come along. Clinging on until 87 was insanely risky as you certainly need 5 to 10 years leeway to navigate out on your terms. RBG was eulogised, but her clinging to her seat undermined a careers work and any progress on women’s rights amongst other core rights.