Sounds like they rode a lot of elevators.
Sounds like they rode a lot of elevators.
Radiant heat is the way.
Someone should talk to their leadership.
Honestly you’re better off dumping the ivy. They’re not fantastic houseplants as they are very prone to insect infestation and seem to attract spider mites, particularly in winter.
Because of the implication.
I wonder if this will ever scale to wastewater treatment.
But they’re not hurting the right people! /s
I read the article and nothing there contradicts the commenters opinion.
That is so basic it’s laughable.
Nah DeJoy just wants to make sure that when he succeeds in privatizing and selling the USPS off to his buddies that he can sweeten the pot with a brand new fleet.
Teenagers in love are hardly subtle. Staff probably reported them.
I had a fish named zagorath. Anyway what was your comment?
I did exactly that.
Who fucking cares. The real people abandoned that app long ago.
I don’t see anything in this picture.
Oh I stipulate that mistakes were made, but voting for right wing fascists because she’s not a great candidate is a bit stupid.
Maybe they should comb the desert.
Bad time to be named Lynch.
The did have nuclear weapons and agreed to give them back to Russia for a promise of peace. The point is never trust Putin.
Turn out the lights…