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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 8th, 2024


  • Did you know that these weather controlling machines make something called petrollium and that is what controls the weather? Democrats can buy it at any corner store really. The Democrats use it to power their cars when they’re not using their own farts and for pretty much everything else really. One way possible to at least slow down how much petrollium Democrats use and stop their control of the weather is to put a tax on it, or maybe stop selling it? If someone told MTG she was right think she would help shut these weather controlling machines down?

  • You are technically correct, e-mails aren’t judicially approved. They are hearsay, a statement made outside of court. They absolutely can be used as evidence. Lionel Hutz was on the money when he said that ‘hearsay is a kind of evidence’. Depending on the hearsay it can be quite strong evidence. That evidence can be used to make a testimony and that is judicially approved. There is strong hearsay, such as a series of emails which details the crime, and there is weak hearsay, like ‘everyone knows Joe did it’. One of those examples of hearsay you can take to court, the other, well you can take what everyone is saying to court but it won’t get you very far.