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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 15th, 2024

  • I think the main idea is that the colonial state is going to wither away on its own because zionists are already leaving due to how unsafe it is for them to be there, and by the time a two state solution would be implemented, this will have already reached a point where those people will not return and anyone like them who remains will want to leave even more because they have had their colonial project taken away. This will lead to an inevitable one state for Palestine because all the euros will flee and Palestine will have a majority and keep gaining power in the area, while the colony is fully weakened, loses a lot of population, and by then maybe even a lot of external funding.

    China having this position makes sense because they are trying to be taken seriously as a mediator and the two state solution is the closest thing to a good deal for Palestinians that is actually being considered at the moment, but the average communist position should absolutely be an end to the zionist state entirely. If China adopted a one state policy in favor of Palestine, they wouldn’t be included in any serious negotiating because that is obviously not something one of the parties in the negotiation wants to accept at the moment.

  • TBF sanctions have worked really well against Cuba, Venezuela, DPRK just to name a few. Smaller and isolated economies which have not fully industrialized can artificially be set back decades via sanctions, and while those nations still exist, we can’t pretend it hasn’t been an immense struggle for them which is almost entirely due to the sanctions. The US thought their war strategies against the Taliban and ISIS would work against Russia and they thought their economic attacks would work the same - not realizing in both instances that Russia isn’t a literal or figurative island with a fragile economy.

  • If you have only a basic understanding of Marxism, its not hard to get to a class reductionist analysis that goes something like: workers in US need to rise up against US imperio-capitalists > there’s a huge population of the working class which are very alienated from the left due to propaganda > make propaganda that appeals to them where they are already at to begin pulling them left > eventually enough people will be radicalized to get organized and make an impact.

    This is kind of the basic Marxist model right? Unite the workers against the common enemy, the bosses, and fight together for a better world. Why wouldn’t you want to bring such a large demographic of workers into the fold instead of rejecting them and thus giving them only one political option in the right? “If only all the rednecks would be like the early 1900’s again, we’d be able to make so much change!”

    Patsocs realize that there is a large, white working class demographic of people in the US that is only being targeted by right wing media so they are utilizing symbolism and rhetoric that said group already identifies with in order to get content views which they see as radicalizing them towards the left. The reality is that the majority of workers in the US, not even just white ones, would identify with the US and the idea that the US is a legitimate state over the idea that it should be abolished and made into a bunch of smaller nations of some kind, especially anything run by Indigenous people who are such a small percentage of the population that people can’t imagine being governed by them.

    This all fits nicely into a very antiquated and reductive analysis of Marxism that avoids the concept of settler colonialism and neo-colonialism, and is missing the sub-classes of workers which actually keeps the workers of the US at large, particularly the white ones, in a sort of global labor aristocracy which sees them as fundamentally on the side of capital because they benefit so much from it. Without understanding this reality, it is easy to imagine we can just get all the workers in the US on the same side against their common enemy and thus would want to try to meet them where they are at and guide them towards the light. Instead, the truth is closer that these demographics of US workers are brown shirt sleeper agents who will allow any atrocity to be committed in their name as long as they get to keep their comforts more or less intact. They do not have the same interest as other workers in the US, especially the colonized workers that they exploit domestically like Indigenous people and New Afrikans.

    I believe the PatSocs genuinely believe the logical thread I spoke to above and think that they are going to incite the working class white people into some sort of communist ballot box revolution in the US that will usher in a socialist USA. They reject the idea of the US being illegitimate because it has existed for “too long,” the people who’s land it was are “virtually gone” in the majority of areas of the country and it has and continues to have such a profoundly large global impact that it is firmly cemented in reality as a nation. A lot of Americans don’t vote or care about politics but they do identify with America, because they do benefit from imperialism, and the idea of the USA not existing is something I’d bet most US citizens would find totally implausible.

    All of this will be very validating to the PatSoc engagement reports for similar reasons that DSA and anarchism has a lot of traction in the US - they don’t ask anyone to change their self perception, or beliefs. They don’t ask you to commit class or race suicide or even grow as people, you can just adopt a new rhetoric and aesthetic and feel like you are better than anyone to the right or the left of you. This brings money into the PatSoc’s bank accounts which affirms their positions and creates a positive feedback loop which keeps them chasing clout/money/power and forces them to become grifters even if they thought they were sincere at some point. I’m sure they go to bed at night thinking “we are spreading communism and socialism farther each day, we are radicalizing the masses, this is the correct thing to be doing,” but once you have patreon subscribers paying your bills because they like the content you put out, you are pretty much on that track for life.

    Personally I think instead of rejecting them entirely, people need to be engaging with and showing why their rhetoric is undeveloped and backwards.

  • Just to be clear, I don’t know Hudson personally and haven’t heard him say anything antisemitic. I am looking at all the info I have as someone that doesn’t know him (PB academic, long history paid by banks and oil companies, has chosen to post on a fascist website for many many years and was made aware of it and said he’d investigate and chose to stay, doesn’t write about anything revolutionary - just economics, gets a lot of traction on the left over the last few years with the idea that the US needs to reindustrialize as if supporting industrial capitalists against financial capitalists will save the US economy, writes about jews being financiers who killed jesus to keep their jewish financial control…) and the pattern starts to become pretty clear.

    The reality of bigotry, antisemitism especially, is that people can learn and harbor it their whole lives without ever realizing it. They can replicate and disseminate it and explain it in ways that might seem logical, couching it in what they believe to be totally unrelated, but really be driven by it on a fundamental level. It did not take many Jewish comrades of mine very long to get red flags from the info that is available about Hudson that I mentioned above, to many Jewish people it was pretty obvious pretty quickly when he was self publishing on a website that literally has schematics for gas chambers on it.