Bio ist für mich Abfall
Ich fühle mit dir. Ich will nicht mehr.
Die Welt brennt und ich werde depri und kann nicht wirklich was machen.
Und dann kommt da die CDU und scheißt nochmal oben drauf.
Am liebsten den Kopf in den Sand stecken und so tun als gäbe es Politik nicht.
Trotzdem muss man die Leute informieren und erinnern. Aber ich glaube da ist hier die falsche Zielgruppe, hier sind schon alle meiner Meinung XD
Da wird jemand aber ganz schön in die Zange genommen. Hihihihi
Aber die Hütte brennt noch vom letzten Jahr.
Ich bin noch offen für Auswanderungsvorschläge.
Bisher habe ich Irland, Japan, Schweden
Mein Freund. Ich würde empfehlen alles was du nicht verstehst wortwörtlich ins Englische Angelsächsische zu übersetzen.
So wird aus “Brunnen sein” wellbeing
Open source means bx definition that the code is open the usage is open and anybody can use it.
This includes in theory the training material for the model.
But in common language open source means: i can download it and it runs on my machine. Ignoring legal shit.
Yeah but you still could clear the planet and save many people
I watched it way back when I was young and didn’t get any of the satire. I watched in my 20s and I asked myself:
You have technology to move through space and shit, they could just rain bombs from orbit or throw asteroids onto the planet. But no! The best way to fight is to use masses of underquipped soldiers that fight the horrors of bugs.
The war seems secondary, killing soldiers looks like the first priority in these movies.
Digital menu
Pros: You can change it at any time, no problem. You can let them order digital and the register automatically checks in the order.
Cons: can’t read shit on a smartphone.
Solution: Big tablet for each table. Now everybody can read it.
But you have to spend a lot more on tablets than you would 5 years printing new menus.
He isn’t dumb. He knows what he is doing.
Openvp works fine.
No you are not.
As long as you don’t use Nixos windscribe is even better than nordvpn. I just remembered my problem is my os and not only the app.
For mullvad idk. I used it for a month for testing and it worked fine with openvpn. I didn’t use any app.
So apparently mullvad and windscribe are the best ones people use.
And I am using windscribe no problem.
It is however not as good integrated in Linux as nordvpn. But it’s a lot cheaper.
Edit: only on nixos you don’t have the app.
English spelling is easy!
Just learn which word comes from which language.
Kindergarden. German, you spell the i like in German.
fable. French, you don’t spell every letter
Island. French
pace. Latin, you just spell it like you read it.
English has the problem that it just took words from many other languages and kept their pronunciation.
Which leads to a whole mess of words. Older words seem to have a bit more consistency.
Because they didn’t use the Autobahn
If “Robot” includes vibrators of all variations this might already be true
Was haben die jungen Leute bewirkt?
Aufmerksamkeit auf das Problem.
Was hat es gebracht?
So wie es aussieht nichts.
Was wäre die Alternative gewesen?
Keine Ahnung evtl. Ein paar CEOs erschießen, zumindest zeigt das mehr Erfolg als mit den Leuten zu reden.