Kolibri [she/her]

Death to America


  • 7 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 28th, 2023

  • Resistance News Network has been showing some of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s speeches, especially his last speech. The vids might be only openable in telegram and I don’t know where to upload the videos themselves. I uploaded to tankietube for those who can’t access telegram

    Forgive me if someone already linked these

    https://t.me/PalestineResist/59585 | non telegram link for video https://tankie.tube/w/2QLAvFHo94PQfxiXiam3Fw

    The great martyred leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in his final speech.

    https://t.me/PalestineResist/59614 | non-telegram link for video https://tankie.tube/w/6U1mVRnFqgzJj4F5NfAmWw

    🔴 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: — Farewell, O master of resistance and its guardian. Our vow is an eternal revenge that will never fade… Humiliation is far from us. — Notes: 0:05 - George Habash (Al-Hakim) leading a crowd chanting “Beirut, Beirut, we will sacrifice for you, O Beirut!” 0:10 - Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in a speech on January 5, 2020: “We must continue the path with resilience, until ultimate victory. No one should be shaken, no one should stop, no one should be afraid. This is a normal situation that takes place in all wars where the great ones are martyred. The rest will go on to achieve their goals.”

    “We are on the verge of a great victory, we must not be defeated as a result of the fall of a great leader from among our leaders. Rather, we must carry their blood. Carry their banner, carry their goals, and move to the front with great determination, will, faith.”

    0:50 - Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in a speech from Quds Day in 2013: “We will not abandon Palestine. We will not abandon Al-Quds. We will not abandon the people of Palestine. We will not abandon the holy sites of the nation.”

  • I just wanted to add onto what you said, there was also this from like two weeks ago or whenever, but this more so related to Iraq however

    Sayyed Al-Shuhada Brigades chief: Several resistance fronts ready to execute joint operations against Israel, allies https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2024/09/13/733175/‘Several-resistance-fronts-ready-to-execute-operations-against-Israel,-allies

    and some highlights from it

    A high-ranking Iraqi resistance official says there will be a new phase with coordination between several Islamic resistance fronts for executing operations against Israel and its allies.

    He noted that the second stage of military operations was bombing within the occupied territories, and then the third stage moved towards joint operations with Yemen.

    “The joint operations between Yemen and Iraq were astonishing for the enemy, and they expressed concern,” he said.

    The official said that the resistance officials “are moving toward a fourth stage, which involves coordinating actions across multiple fronts and conducting joint operations in more than one area.”

    “There will be a new phase with coordination between several fronts for executing operations,” he stated.

    “In the coming days, we will witness joint military operations,” he revealed.

  • venting about things like one of my animals dying, cw: alcoholism, grief related stuff and death

    I’m really tired. So last week my dog died, and it has been very upsetting. It really feels unbelievable with how much bad stuff keeps happening since it seems like im cursed or something. Like last year with my mom dying. Then my dad slowly drinking himself to death or one of my siblings s.o threatening my dad months ago, again. and now my dog dead. And it hurts. Since my dog was like, really important to me and he helped keep me stable. And now he is gone.

    My brother’s dog is feeling it to, since they were close. And it just hurts. I got his ashes not too long ago so that nice. I have his collar and his old puppy collar on it with it.

    Besides that. Last friday me and my dad went to get groceries. When we got back, and bringing in groceries, after that was over with. His arm looked swollen, and since like his drinking just keeps hurting his health. for the last few months blood has been pooling under his arms. anyways, like, after the grocery stuff, his arm was bleeding from that, and it looked swollen. and his arms just lately have like these blood marks all over

    just fuck, I dunno. I don’t know anymore.

  • What you said about grocery stores having their own bakery and deli/butcher and the mention of store brands, reminded me of grocery stores like Walmart selling their own brand of products. I think with stocking shelves or maintaining the premises, it doesn’t add value since the product has already been produced? And it’s just awaiting it’s final “metamorphosis” and what stuck out to me in last chapter was Marx mentioning this

    1. that as a result of the division of labour the capital devoted exclusively to buying and selling (and this includes not only the money required to buy commodities, but also the money which must be invested in labour to maintain the merchant’s establishment, and in his constant capital-the storehouses, transport, etc.) is smaller than it would be if the industrial capitalist were constrained to carry on the entire commercial part of his business on his own;

    Merchant’s capital is simply capital functioning in the sphere of circulation. The process of circulation is a phase of the total process of reproduction. But no value is produced in the process of circulation, and, therefore, no surplus-value.[…]

    and with that it could be regarded to the merchant investing labor like store employees to maintain the establishment? Except for deli or bakery and such? where they produce value

    In a way grocery stores seem like a weird mix of commercial and industrial capital? but the reason I ask is grocery stores seem like an extra step in that distribution chain, and in a way the distributor offloading their products but those products still have yet to complete that final circuit or “metamorphoses”? and so it just sort of like, an extra step but still the same thing? just with an extra middle man.