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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • Chrono Trigger has all the elements done right- 10/10 music, 10/10 art style, RPG and battle systems that were innovative for the time and are still fun to play today.

    But I think what sets the game apart as a timeless classic, a masterpiece, is its deep themes of existentialism. Marle has has a fake persona and a mistaken identity, yet we can still see her real self. Crono, as an avatar for the player, is sentenced to death and spared in the last moments. Robo, after being freed from his original programming, asks “Is this what it is like… to die?”

    And that’s all just in the first act.

    The ideas of Sartre, of Nietzsche, and perhaps most of all “Being and Time” by Heidegger were presented in a way that my 10-year-old self could comprehend and enjoy. But it’s not dumbed down for children, my 30-year-old self can still find deep meaning in the narrative and themes.

    Plus, time travel is cool.

  • By “surprise” I assume you mean a capital-friendly, poorly implemented solution that does not solve the underlying problem. All of your examples illustrate this.

    The first black president was a war criminal who enacted a right wing agenda.

    Gay marriage is likely to be overturned by our billionaire-owned, unaccountable Supreme Court.

    Legal marijuana is a patchwork- the best states have inefficient and nonsensical cannabis regulations, and the worst states still have inhumane, draconian punishment.

    Despite the small amount of forgiveness, the total amount of student loans owed is rising. Currently we are at a record high of $1.75 trillion in debt.

    And as for universal healthcare, the number of uninsured and underinsured keeps rising. The number of deaths due to lack of access keeps rising. And there are many people, like myself, who have had their lives destroyed by medical bankruptcy. The entire system is designed to maximize profit, patient health is a secondary concern.

  • Yes your quote really drives home my point. They wrote the debate qualifications specifically so that rfkjr wouldnt make the cut.

    From what I understand, he will probably qualify for the ballot in all 50 states. Since this debate is happening unusually early, his ballot access has not been certified yet.

    I dont feel strongly about rfk, it’s probably better for America that he is not on that stage. But this is just one more example of how our two political parties operate in a corrupt, anti-democratic way. They have no principles nor morals, its power politics all the way down.

  • As much as I would love to see the destruction of the IDF, I really fear for the Lebanese people.

    An all out war means massive bombing in all major cities including Beirut and Tel Aviv. The range of artillery and drones mean nowhere would be safe in either country. IDF ground forces, battle-hardened against unarmed civilians, would likely lose to Hezbollah. But Israel would likely control the skies, leading to a protracted, bloody stalemate. Like the battlefields of Ukraine, but worse.

    The people of Lebanon are already suffering so much, but this would bring about a new level of devastation.

    But I believe the logic of mutually assured destruction applies here. Even the most bloodthirsty Likudniks, despite their saber rattling, will not force an all out war.

  • Who is using it as excuse for the current genocide?

    You did, when you said “Genocide is a US problem not specific to any president.”

    When comparing 2 candidates, genocide doesn’t matter because they will both do it

    This “lesser of two evils” logic only holds up when deciding who to vote for. The Biden administration does not get to aid a genocide criticism-free just because Trump would be worse.

    Once a president is in office then you can protest decision

    A president is in office now, aiding a genocide now, so I’m protesting now. If the US is still supporting genocide after the election I will protest then, too.

    i’m not a trumper but biden is commiting genocide" is just pedantic and missing the point

    I saw a shocking amount of upvoted genocide denial in the comments, so I felt the need to respond, even if its unpopular.