• 6 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2024


  • This seems like a rose-tinted glasses view of the past. Sure there were communities for rich white cishet men where they organized around mutual shared values of racism, misogyny, football and queerphobia but for the rest of us it was being shunned and gathering with the few other local shunned people in nasty dungeons.

    Thankfully the internet came and solved all that. Now queer people have dating apps which work pretty flawlessly for us, and the space online is endless for us to gather and be ourselves with each other, freely, across all borders.

    communities provide you care, support, relief from loneliness, a sense of purpose, etc. etc. etc.

    but by and large it’s does not exactly scratch the same itches that your grandma’s sewing circle or bridge club used to.

    I’m sorry you’re struggling with loneliness, personally I’m definitely not and I can’t say I know anyone who is.

    Socializing online is great and the communities there are much more true and real than some IRL circle of Karens and their Christian bleach enema method and their TERF enclaves.

    It’s also a much more efficient method of meeting people you actually get on with as well, rather than the endless NPCs on Tinder and IRL who only want to consume alcohol, travel and go to the gym. It’s crazy that I could be with someone who appreciates all the same things I do, my gf and I are def soulmates.

    I find it no small coincidence that loneliness in America skyrocketed

    Sounds like we’re just measuring mental health awareness, plus the rise in boomers using the web and often exposing people to their alienating rhetoric.

    You get the point, you said what I knew you were gonna say because I have a radically different experience.

  • I think it’s much simpler than that.

    Webhard is Web Hard Drives - SK torrenting scene is very different from the west, to simplify from how I understand it (English info seems scarce) basically everyone uses seedboxes or “web hard drives” in SK to download stuff.

    While I can’t seem to find out anything about what “The Grid system” is, if the whole thing is an online portal or software.

    If ISP routers are anything like the west that means they control the DNS servers and the ones on router cannot be changed, and likely it blocks and and so on, as Virgin Media does (along with blocking secure DNS) in the UK for example, which definitely opens up a massive attack vector for an ISP to spin up its own website with a verified cert and malware and have the DNS resolve to that when users try to access it to either download the software needed to access this Grid System or if it’s a web portal - the portal itself.

    I don’t think this included any attacks on the BitTorrent protocol at all, because as others said, it’s pretty secure, but another possibility is simply malicious torrents being distributed, which rights holders definitely done before (read decoying part in https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2007/03/mediadefender/)

  • Even by your analogy, yes I’d rather have a wooden cart compared to carrying things in my hands.

    That said your analogy doesn’t apply to tech. “It just doesn’t okay” isn’t a very satisfying answer from a logic standpoint, but as the other user pointed out almost all corporate software is built upon, or massively, and I mean massively relies upon the efforts of Open Source software.

    I can’t really think of any other industry like this or an analogy for this, but that is how it works. Example: GNU/Linux is FOSS, and is the go-to for server software for businesses, and it’s starting to creep into end user products too, from Dell laptops to Raspberry Pi to the Steam Deck (if you’re familiar with that - Proton is also open source).

  • No, BAD.

    RIAA is evil. AI is good for us plebs while it’s still legal for us to own and operate our own local open source LLMs away from the corpos, in the same way the internet is a net good because it’s free and open and gives us power to practice communism (information sharing, hacking (classic meaning) and open source).

    All regulation will be aimed squarely at destroying that, concentrating power in the hands of the few away from just any old proletariat tom dick and harry.

    Corpos will pay any fees and fines as a cost of doing business and acquire all licenses and reach private agreements with publishers out of reach for the common man or small business, all the while passing the cost of all this onto the consumer eventually just to invest in tech that will make the line go up for a few more quarters.

    IP law does not benefit you and you will never truly benefit from it.

    Don’t simp for corpos.

    P.S.: Imagine the next LLM, 10-20 years from now is truly groundbreaking and useful, it’s a new tool, and without that tool, you’re no longer competitive for work, and all of said tool is owned by 1-2 multinational predatory conglomerates jacking up prices, because you have no choice but to pay up to live. It’s cyberpunk, just boring and without the implants, price-gouging a necessity just as they do now with housing or insulin.

    We need to preserve the power to do this freely, fairly, without profit and without licensing works.

  • If you hear about a job being in demand, then it’s too late to get into it, those news will always only be good for those who are already in the field, by the time you make it through 5 years of uni, you will be competing against hordes of people who did the same in a demand bubble that’s bursting or deflating.

    Right now cybersecurity seems to be having a soft boom, if you’re in it you’re good, take it easy and maybe do a cert and diversify skillset, if you’re not, don’t bother.

    Same with data science/ML which I would assume is going to have a large boom soon (or already had? Last I remember anyone talking about it was Cloud™️ Big Data™️ days, far pre-LLM/GenAI craze ATM.)

  • LainTrain@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoFuck AI@lemmy.worldAgree?
    3 days ago

    Look I got nothing against y’all drawing shit or putting together low fi hiphop beats to shit and piss to or writing some waluigi yaoi or other content production, but it doesn’t exactly put men on the moon, kapische?

    The only reason any of you earn money as is is because advertisements can be served embedded into content, while corpos earn money mostly from landlording over IPs. Like all of marketing, it’s a drain on society from an economic standpoint.