• 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • You’re making the implicit assumption that an entity that lacks memory necessarily does not have any internal experience, which is not something that we can know or test for. Furthermore, there’s no law of the universe that states that something created by humans cannot have an internal experience; we have no way of knowing whether something we create has an internal experience or not.

    You can think of LLMs like a hyper advanced auto correct.

    Yes; this is functionally what LLMs are, but the scope of the discussion extends beyond LLMs, and doesn’t address my core complaint about how these arguments are being conducted. Generally though maybe not universally, if a core premise of your argument is “x works differently than humans” your argument won’t be valid. I’m not currently making a claim of substance, I’m critiquing a tactic being used and pointing out that it among other things relies on a bad foundation.

    If you want to know another way to make the argument, consider focusing on the practical implications of how current and future technologies given current and hypothetical ways of structuring society. For example: the fact that generative AI (being a novel form of automation) making images will lead to the displacement of Artists, the fact that art is being used without consent to train these models which are then being used for profit, etc.

  • As someone who has sometimes been accused of being an AI cultist, I agree that it’s being pursued far too recklessly, but the people who I argue with don’t usually give very good arguments about it. Specifically, I kept getting people who argue from the assumption that AI “aren’t real minds” and trying to draw moral reasons not to use it based on that. This fails for two reasons: 1. We cannot know if AI have internal experiences and 2. A tool being sapient would have more complicated moral dynamics than the alternative. I don’t know how much this helps you, but if you didn’t know before, you know now.

  • Degenerate, 88, 14, the Roman salute, multiple names, the fascista, shaven heads, lighting motifs, runic symbols.

    That’s just what I came up with off the top of my head. The other person is right, and I say we should reclaim every symbol because those fuckers shouldn’t be allowed to call anything their own or have anything to ralley around or identify each other with. The only symbol I’m aware of that the made was the black sun which is itself simply the ss symbol repeated around a circle, which itself is an appropriated rune.

    Reclaim every symbol.

  • Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoScience MemesTerraforming
    2 days ago

    Did you know that when a cell is copying its DNA the enzyme that unzips that DNA doesn’t just start in one place, but rather unzip multiple parts of the same strand at the same time? If that weren’t the case, unzipping the DNA would take too long, and the cell would die before it could be done.

    Pretending that doing one thing is stopping us from doing other things is an incredibly idiotic way of thinking about the way progress is made.