MoreAmphibians [none/use name]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 6th, 2021


  • Some thoughts.

    1. Retiring is rather idealistic for a cyberpunk game. I would name the button something else. “End life” would work but might be a bit bleak.
    2. Having 12 hours for recreation sounds really nice but I don’t think that’s really what’s intended. I think split it up into sleep, chores, and commute. Still the same 12 hours but now split into thematic components.
    3. All the lives are a bit samey. I think adding a random trait would really help things stand out. The random trait would be something mildly beneficial like reduced need for sleep, faster leveling for a specific skill, being healthier, or something like that. Early game you get one random trait and that’s it. Later you can get upgrades that let you select from multiple traits or even get more than one at once. Maybe you can even level the traits and that’s another method of progression.

    Edit: It’s also a bit weird that you don’t need to eat. Maybe make a 0 cost default food? DoleStarch? AdvertStarch?

    Edit2: If free time doesn’t give any benefits it should also be renamed. Maybe change it to “unallocated” time.

  • Here is some “propaganda” for you to refute

    Following the pro-Shah coup d’état that overthrew the Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953, the Shah again cracked down on his opponents, and political freedom waned. He outlawed Mosaddegh’s political group the National Front, and arrested most of its leaders.[13] Over 4000 political activists of the Tudeh party were arrested,[14] (including 477 in the armed forces), forty were executed, another 14 died under torture and over 200 were sentenced to life imprisonment.[13][15][16]

    During the height of its power, the shah’s secret police SAVAK had virtually unlimited powers. The agency closely collaborated with the CIA.[17]

    According to Amnesty International’s Annual Report for 1974–1975 “the total number of political prisoners has been reported at times throughout the year [1975] to be anything from 25,000 to 100,000.”[18]

    Wow, that is super fucked up. I hope somebody overthrows the Shah.