my dad could beat up your dad
my dad could beat up your dad
Yanov station in general. If i had to pick, it’d be the Smoothie anomaly.
Amber whataboutism
amber whataboutism
Fakenews will make 80 alts to harass us until the instance they are usig is removed from the allow list.
Klonopin was just an educated guess, but I found this article affirming it.
Continually disappointed by “we would make great friends though!” as a euphemism for “leave me alone, weirdo”.
For some reason this happens mostly with fellow ND people who emphasize the importance of honest communication prior to meeting.
Again! Again!
bump amber whataboutism volcel police
Desantis has every right to appoint him to Marco Rubio’s vacant senate seat
Dota 2 Main Menu Theme (addict)
Canada is actually a major source of US fent