It’s fine, we’ll just donate to you once you run out. Then you can keep donating. 👌💪
Mary could have studied law and become Empress.
We had printer drivers that would show a notification for net send. The broadcast went out to several schools for some reason and it was basically a spell to summon our head of IT.
One time I sent something after it was forbidden and the guy came crashing through the door, demanding who was using a specific laptop. Turns out that laptop was broken and sitting in its receptacle and a friend of mine tried to use it just a minute earlier.
Good times.
That was dope! 363/365 points 😎
Wenn man vorher Voteswiper gemacht hat, fällt plötzlich auf, dass die beiden Tools ihre eigenen Vorurteile haben. Die Antworten “Akzeptieren” und “Ablehnen” sind nicht deckungsgleich mit den Optionen.
JavaScript and PeePee are really going at it, huh.
He has yet to stop the genocide for that to hold a colander’ worth of water.
Of course. Everyone who’s ever used a DB knows it’s BS. As long as the data is structured - which it a) is because he was able to make assertions about it and b) fucking Excel files are enough - it CAN be imported and SQL’d on. Even Excel has built in support for fuck’s sake, not to mention Python and PowerQuery.
The dude is a self-certified moron - he probably struggles with the concept of PKI, too.
Ah okay, das “Reinfuchsen”, klang bissel nach erstem Mal, aber dann hab ich das fehlinterpretiert. 😇
Viel Erfolg!
Klingt interessant! Python + OpenCV dürfte da recht zügig zu Zielen führen. Schon Erfahrung mit Linux?
Der Himmel zieht zu, es wird dunkel, Gewitterdonnern in der Ferne
… oder willst du etwa Windows benutzen?
Single letters or UTF8 symbols only. Emojis are encouraged.
Carbon in general is dope. Nanotubes? Graphene? And it’s not even hard to come by? Gtfo.
Soft and squishy. Like bone.
No, my Blue Eyes White Aryan!