I like this question. I think this works great. I’m too low on the pyramid to interview much anymore, but might ask this in my next interview!
I’m not sure keeping the studies is such a great thing either. A big chunk of it is standardized testing, and it would be really nice to have far less of that in schools. Granted, this will not address the problem of standardized testing.
Tried with a different video, same issue
Hmm. I tried deleting the post, and then remaking it, making sure I just added the url to the right field, and I still had the same problem.
I wonder if it’s a problem with this specific video.
Ha. Good point. I need to just get off YouTube. But alas.
Man. I would love to hear less from this guy. I block every goddamn channel on YouTube that has clips of this ass hat, and yet, YouTube keeps feeding me videos of him. What the everloving fuck?
Juniper Ren in “Squeaky Clean”? I think.
Oh. Really? Bummer. I haven’t seen season 2 yet. I was hoping it would be better than season 1. But after hearing about the cancellation, I am not surprised it was. I really wish the British Version of that 70s show would have been good. It’s not good, but it is kind of comfortable