SixSidedUrsine [comrade/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2022

  • Nah, Marxist-Leninist analysis of the 30’s is deep and paints an accurate picture of what was actually going down at that time based on material reality instead of… you know, vibes that help prop up the idealist liberal’s flawed worldview. But to the contrary, the NATO sycophants’ history books that just straight make shit up throughout the 20th century have an almost complete amnesia regarding many 21st century and especially recent events leading up to the current situation now. That way, they can just assign motivations willy nilly to the current actors involved, no matter how arbitrary or nonsensical so long as, again, it supports their worldview, as Marvel movie-like it may be, and even as untenable as it is in the face of any actual historical context. Kinda sad.

  • You can’t argue with these NATO shills. They’ll just deny history or try to rewrite it in such a way as so as to also deny the current inconvenient reality, move goalpoasts, and accuse anyone with any sense as being on “Putin’s payroll.” If you use a material analysis of the situation, they screech about how talking about realpolitik is… bad somehow or something? It’s a mess. Look at this /u/ loser right here in this very thread exemplifying what I’m talking about. They’re… equating “wokism” as a term with the concept of “escalation” (simply a thing that any sane person would agree does happen) and saying we use the latter the way chuds use the former. wut? lol. Lost the fucking plot. It’s nonsensical.

    These kind of people can’t be reasoned with. They just regurgitate the propaganda they know, no matter how many times it’s been easily and thoroughly debunked. And to claim we’re the ones that sound like CIA ops when they’re the ones spouting the US state department lines like the good little sycophantic useful idiots that they are and carrying water for open, proud, admitted Nazi fascists while they call us “tankie red fash.” The projection is so painfully obvious it’s literally embarrassing.

    I guess it could be a self defense mechanism for when one knows in the back of their mind that everything they’re saying is just pure ahistorical often chauvinist horseshit but they know their worldview would come crashing down if they didn’t do everything in their power to keep tilling it and shoveling it, so till it and shovel it they must. Truly, it’s… pathetic.

  • It has nothing to do with where I personally draw the line, asshole. It has everything to do with the scientifically established reality about who is capable of suffering. Rocks can’t. Cows, pigs, etc. can. Just because your sphere of empathy is arbitrarily drawn to reinforce what’s convenient for you doesn’t mean that by necessity everyone else is so shallow, cruel, and morally inconsistent.

  • Do you also need someone to explain to you why Patsoc’s don’t fall under the nonsectarian rule too? What about Va*shites? They’re real leftists, according to themselves, so not letting them run rampant here is just blatant sectarianism, you’re so right! The non-sectarianism rule should also extend to the Pro-Palestine gatekeeper users, always arrogantly telling Zionists that they’re not real leftists just because they support a racist apartheid state conducting genocide. This all makes perfect sense.

  • Same vibes as supposed progressives who are sharing pro-Israel PragerU vids after criticizing PragerU on other topics.

    Ideally every comrade is vegan, but if for whatever reason you cannot be or are working towards it then at the absolute least you can support those who are and accept that it is the morally correct position instead of all this hoop jumping


    Sorry for the cliche response, but really. This.


  • I agree, non-vegans (or certainly at least anti-vegans, even in this thread) can only operate by avoiding facing their cognitive dissonance through child-like abstractions. But a puerile affection for a stuffed animal has zilch to do with the material basis behind veganism and the very real suffering on an unimaginable scale that carnists subject sentient life to for profit and treats.

  • i think we mostly care about people, and place humans, sometimes other animals (usually pets), childrens’ toys, and occasionally some machines or fictional characters into the “person” or “not person” buckets depending on our personal attachment and a bunch of arbitrary social norms.

    You think “we” do that? I don’t. I make it a point to carefully consider who should be given my empathy or condemnation based on material reality.

    I’m not entirely sure what your point is to be honest. Yeah, unfortunately there are plenty of people who base their sphere of empathy not on a materialist examination of the world but on societal norms, and that’s the problem here (along many of the problems we rightly rail about as leftists). It’s what I mean when I talk about arbitrary lines differentiating the human animal from all others to justify the way some humans treat all others.

    Are you equating pets to children’s toys? margot-disgust Hopefully you’re just pointing out how ridiculous that is? One of those things is a lifeform that has the capacity to experience their existence, the other is an inanimate object no different than a rock. These things are not comparable. Same thing with a machine. There is a material difference between an animal (homo sapien or pig) and a machine, just as there is between a human and an LLM. That some people might be so ignorant as to think an LLM and a human being deserve equal consideration and empathy is not a valid or coherant argument that sentient beings who happen not to be human are ok to torture and kill.

    You can call it person-hood if you like, but that just obsfucates things because people tend to think of “person” as “human” and what we’re talking about here is the capacity to suffer and to experience, which is not exclusive to humanity. It’s just another example of using the bias that’s already built in to language as a means to prove a point through circular reasoning, something we should be familiar with and wary of as leftists.

    A less circle-jerking version of this bait post might be a pig versus terry schaivo’s corpse being kept “alive” by a heap of medical devices.

    How is that less circle-jerking? Why is this version “circle-jerking” at all? The difference in either version is a lever to choose between something that can experience and suffer and something that can’t.

  • Pigs could well be sapient too. It really depends on where you draw the line for “sapience.” If you mean “able to think” or even “self aware” then pigs almost certainly are sapient. If by sapient you mean “of or relating to the human species” then obviously they aren’t, but that latter definition has no bearing or point in this discussion. You bloodmouths (that’s your wording!) keep trying to find some line you can draw in the sand that makes the torture of non-humans acceptable, but every time that line is examined it turns out it doesn’t exist, or at best, it turns out to be such a fuzzy boundary that it consigns tonnes of humans to the same status that’s used to justify the treatment of the beings tortured and killed as treats for carnists.

  • All you’ve done is admit that you think the suffering of others is fine and “worth it” for the tasty results, so long as those who are suffering are sufficiently different than you.

    The question is if animals should be emoathized with in the same way historical slaves are.

    That’s a slimy phrasing the question in a way that immediately lets you off the hook for your choice to ignore and perpetuate suffering because it makes it seem like the question of non-human suffering hinges on non-humans being “the same as” human slaves. It’s the old “well, obviously pigs and cows aren’t quite as intellectually complex as humans therefore anything we do to them for the sake of humans enjoying treats is fine. What, do you think pigs and cows should be able to vote or learn to read?

    In other words, the answer to your question about whether we should empathize “in the same way” is no, not the “same way,” but we absolutely should and must empathize with them as fellow sentient beings capable of emotions, joy, suffering, pleasure, pain just like humans, and recognize that the way we torture and murder billions of them every year for profit (and “taste”) is one of the greatest crimes in the history of our species.

    Your entire premise of who deserves your empathy is still based on how much someone is “like you” in whatever arbitrary ways that allow you to maintain the distinctions you’ve already made based on your comfort and convenience. And that part is the same as slave owners who would make similar arbitrary distinctions about how “different from themselves” their victims are.

    Yes, sentient beings deserve your empathy. It’s not at all a difficult conclusion to reach if you have any interest in being honest with yourself.