I had the same thought. Most people I encounter online and in person are not great at summarizing information regardless of the context.
For example: those who don’t summarize the content of a conversation and instead poorly and inaccurately act out the entire encounter, "word by word ". Ughhhhh.
Increased surface area. Only male glowworms metamorphose into adult forms and they use their feathery antennae to track females down by their pheromones. Increased antenna surface area helps them pick up those pheromones.
Their grubs can be pretty destructive, but I still love them.
After reading that, I think calling O’Leary a garbage human is an insult to garbage everywhere.
I like self checkout for both theft and non-theft related reasons.
Bingo. Progressives have been handling fascists with kid gloves for too long. Time to start ripping on them for being the sad losers they are.
I was just talking about this with a friend. Remember back when he seemed like a neat guy? Quirky and kind of a dick sometimes but maybe an actual good rich guy with interesting ideas. He was even on Rick and Morty!
It turns out that was all bullshit. What a disappointment he turned out to be.
Although I think it’s fair to think about getting rid of those who want to get rid of others. Just make it a hard line: only those, no others.
The level of irony of his spreading easily disproven bullshit that talks specifically about (presumably his prowess in) assessing the truth of statements is immeasurable.
I’m calling the oddly placed bosu ball.
I remember that! They were more a specialty brand that you’d find in more upscale grocery stores. Now they’re just boring, apparently disgusting, processed meat like every other brand.
I also use Nova Launcher and had no idea you could do that! Thanks for letting me know.
I keep all my Google icons quarantined in one folder. Case in point:
Ummm, yeah, me too… Discounts…🏴☠️🦜
My wife and I are also neurodiverse and this is EXACTLY what we needed based on recent conversations.
I’ve had a man crush on him for decades now.
I recently rode in a Tesla on FSD for over 26 hours of freeway travel. It was flawless the entire time.
On city streets? 90% was about right. It once took too sharp of a turn at a double right turn and spooked the driver next to us (although it didn’t cross into their lane, just got close), and another time decided to only change lanes halfway into the left turn lane.
I agree that it needs to be near 100% on city streets before it’s ready for launch because that 10% difference is HUGE when it comes to safety. If their “level 5” taxi isn’t using some vastly improved software, it needs to be kept off the street.
This is the real pro tip.