SootyChimney [any]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • The local officials (the mayor, legislators, and the president) where I live are all elected and I’m pretty sure that’s already more than what China has

    I think what I said is still true.

    There’s a lot of handwaving in your reply that China’s population are just ignorant and censorship exists therefore its bad, based on little info. All Western countries also have major systems of censorship on social media. The majority of people in China have access to the internet via unfiltered VPNs - they have basically as much free access to information as you do.

  • I have literally never heard of it happening anywhere else in the world. I never said American things couldn’t be talked about, but talking about it like it’s a ubiquitous practice, and then getting angry at people who don’t understand why it’s an issue, is just miscommunication, not a big disagreement. And miscommunications caused by America-centrism is a very tiring affair on the internet. Just prepend the post with “Hey Americans:” and there wouldn’t have been any real discussion.

  • The difference is atheists may be correct, but nowadays whether you’re religious isn’t, on its own, a huge prediction factor in how you affect others’ lives.

    When your politics is lib or reactionary, when you’re racist, or nationalist, or just deliberately ignorant and loudmouthed about world politics, you are by definition actively and deliberately conspiring to make peoples’ lives worse. Those people affected are often minority groups, and/or friends, family and comrades. But whatever kind of human it is, it should be obvious why it’s personally important to us to oppose that.

  • I don’t think “US and Canada do it” is a very effective argument for something being safe or reasonable. The reality is - We don’t know what the effects are, and we can’t even be completely sure they’re doing what they say they are in the first place. The radioactivity may be low, but the presence of manmade tritium may well cause issues we don’t even realise, and as always we’re playing a gamble that “this number low so it’s probably safe maybe”. And that is undeniably a gamble, even if a low-risk one.

  • This is basically it, why would the ruling class waste the resources to even try for 100% agreement? The moment the left gains, or has potential to gain, even the slightest sliver of power, watch the ruling class deploy their mass resources to squash us back to irrelevance. I only clearly realised this when the very popular Bernie/Corbyn campaigns were so deliberately choked despite major support of the base.