SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]

  • 8 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2022


  • nice stealth edit buddy boyo

    constantly wishing fascist re-education camps on people is not quite “venting against their boss”

    1. Bosses aren’t people.

    2. Its ok to anonymously hyperbolically punch up against “people” who take the vast majority of your earnings and make your life a living hell.

    3. Re-educating fascists to be not fascist… is not fascist.

    4. Thank you for letting us know for certain that you are in agreement with that slimy neoliberal fuck and have thus been acting out of pure bad faith this entire time. “MUH SECRETARIANISM, MUH CHARITABILITY!!” lmao stfu you utter moron