Strengthening cooperation among our adversaries…✅
Strengthening cooperation among our adversaries…✅
A huge amount of highway funding is tied to “alternative mode choice” - specifically bike infrastructure. If they revoke these grants, state DOTs and municipalities are going to have to cancel a lot of road paving projects that include bike lanes.
Well, I assumed constant thickness, so if that’s true, you might be right.
Fun fact, a taller, narrower can uses more aluminum!
I mean, I’m not sure cats are out there observing human babies and intentionally imitating them. They have pattern recognition machines in their heads just like we do. “Make noise = human pay attention” is about as complex as this gets. The fact that we’re susceptible to the specific timbre of their voices seems likely to be evolutionary coincidence.
Oh shit, I thought you were making the “wellness farm” part up…
Basically anything off of Idles’ 2020 masterpiece, Ultra Mono. Grounds is probably the most direct fight song. My other favorites are War, Mr. Motivator, and Carcinogenic.
I couldn’t help myself…
Edit - probably should have left “Reality:” in. See revised meme below.
This is how you get brown shirts red hats.
Can I get this on a bumper sticker?
Bruh, he missed the perfect opportunity to call Obama a communist.
The ban and opposition to the ban are both widely bipartisan. I think the idea of banning it was more of a Republican idea in the beginning. But one thing is for sure, Trump will suck all the air out of the room and no one will remember the specifics, just that Trump saved TikTok.
“I find the best thing about Apple intelligence is that since I haven’t enabled it, my phone optimized for onboard AI has incredible battery life,” responded another Bluesky user.
The best thing about it is not using it.
Worth considering that Neely was merely behaving in an erratic way that made people on the train feel unsafe, while Thompson is a man who made decisions that literally killed people. I guess I don’t feel good about murder, but all of these situations are such gray areas. In the case of Mangioni/Thompson, Mangioni saw a trolley problem where people were already getting run over, and he could get run over himself and let the same rate of death continue, or get run over while pulling the lever to put the trolley on a track that might have fewer people tied to it. I certainly can’t see my way to the conclusion that what he did was clearly wrong.
Dude looks like he’s in full fight or flight mode if I’m being honest. Quite possibly induced by some pharmacological substance, but a base physiological response nonetheless. What could he be afraid of, I wonder?
All the policy goals are the same as what’s been in the Republican platform for decades. The only thing Project 2025 adds is how to get there. Is Trump a useful idiot? Maybe, although it would be silly to operate under that assumption rather than believing he’s just as committed as the rest of them. Either way, the idea having seeped into the popular consciousness of the American voter that Project 2025 is something other than a serious plan for a Republican administration is an astonishing bit of doublethink. Orwell spins like a turbine in his grave.
Go to YouTube and search for “Sam Seder Social Security”, and then realize why he’s making this face at you right now.