• 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’ve never seen a thing like this before, both players were ruled to have lifted simultaneously, both contributing equally to the foul play and both were given a yellow. Somehow the Magpies only managed to score 1 try while against 13 players and almost conceded one too.

    Sam Smith, the Hawke’s Bay 7 being lifted here tucked his head & rolled so actually came down quite safely all things considered and played out the rest of the match A-OK.

  • Yeah first phase Australia looked much better, and they were also more patient were able to build phases and still look like they had a plan going deep into them. After 5 or 6 phases the ABs attack fairly consistently fell apart and looked like it didn’t really have a successful out.

    Pretty consistently through this year though its the out wide defence and then lack of punch on gain line that’s the worry heading up north. Defence in particular has gone backwards this year, the system looks very exploitable.

  • I was so impressed with the quality of the Bronco that I bought one of their Rambler’s as well. I use that when I just want to grill a couple of steaks for dinner, but my partner also bought be one of the Espeto Sul rotisseries, and I use that with the Rambler as its just about the perfect length for it. I got my brother to fabricate a baffle which lets me hold the lid open, but still keep the box closed for proper air draw & whatnot - its been great for chicken roasts!

    I’m quite keen on their offset smokers too, but part of the deal with buying the Bronco was I had to get rid of one of my other BBQs (sold an old Weber Kettle) so I doubt i’ll get the thumbs up to add another even bigger one to our collection!

  • I really like the frigate project, and the detection models it has are really really good, and that meant I could use really cheap Amcrest (I think) cameras because the brains was on the server end rather than camera end. Plus I kinda prefer the device side to be as dumb as possible as they can often have all sorts of vulnerabilities baked in the more IoT they are.

    Though I also really hate Home Assistant so I use Frigate as a standalone app, and I manage notifications in a somewhat roundabout way (mqtt -> loki -> grafana -> pushover). I did that because I got heartily sick of how awful Home Assistant was at determining whether I was, or was not at home.

    So now I use Unpoller to get my device states from the UDM, that gets stored in prometheus, and my Grafana alert rule works out if my partner or I are at home based on our device being connected to the WiFi or not; then each MQTT event for a detection it only sends a notification if both phones are away.

  • I’ve had my Bronco for a few years now and it is so good to use. Have done briskets, pork shoulders, ribs, chickens so far everything’s been delicious.

    Early on a cold morning it can be a little tricky to get the chimney drawing air well - so one trick i’ve recently learnt is to switch my vacuum pipe to the blow side and to force air into the inlet which seems to get it cranking pretty quickly :)

    Oh, and as you mention Lamb, you really should treat yourself and try some West Kentucky style Mutton BBQ. It can be hard to get actual mutton, but it works with hogget too, its delicious and makes too much sense for NZ BBQ to not start adopting it!

  • It begins! Here’s a mug of kool-aid ;) So, who’s taking odds on TTC and TTA*?

    There’s a legitimate criticisms to be made of Ubiquiti’s products, but they perform very well, are relatively simple to setup and maintain and most importantly for me, you get a perpetual license in the up front purchase price - no annual ransomware like other similar providers. Plus you can host the controller yourself, you don’t have to be tied to their cloud offering (if they even still bother with it).

    I haven’t setup their built-in ad blocking yet as the local DNS was a bit of a pain so I still use pi-hole for all my own home stuff’s DNS anyway, and I have wireguard running off their box as I set that up when their implementation was very new and not quite what I was after. But only a matter of time before I switch to the same setup as yours.

    *(time till cameras, time till access-points)!