• 23 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • It’s absolutely the right kind of niche that the market needs. Something fully “badass” looking that fits in with the drinking crowds and is not actually alcohol. That’s partially the purpose/reason of the community too - can’t go wrong being “addicted” to something that’s not detrimental to your health (don’t ask me about what carbonation does to your teeth though 😆).

  • Yeah I don’t know if I could handle the crash and other side-effects. I already have so many other health things I am trying to manage and understand I feel like this would be another wrench thrown into the proverbial machine.

    I did get a chance to meet with the therapist and she immediately was like “you have ADHD”. All it took was mentioning my unending fidgeting and constant need to rush things and she already knew where it was going. I wonder if a therapist has the ability to administer any tests even if they aren’t for the purpose of medication - more as a clinical confirmation of diagnosis I guess?

    Thanks for your ADHD story btw!