They saw what scalpers did to ticket prices and decided to implement the same strategy. The problem is not scalpers, it’s easy credit, regards with too easy access to money and purposeful low production to move the scale towards veblen goods.
They saw what scalpers did to ticket prices and decided to implement the same strategy. The problem is not scalpers, it’s easy credit, regards with too easy access to money and purposeful low production to move the scale towards veblen goods.
Meh, don’t play online and exactly 0 games have refused to run from BD out of a library of over 60 PS4/5 games.
What youtube ads, I haven’t seen one in years, fortunately.
In case anyone has any doubt if it were European countries or the US who contributed the most.
And this does not take into account the economic disruption and refugee care
Edit: perhaps we should stop fighting US wars since they unilaterally invaded Iraq and genocided 1M civilians.
Parents world-wide talk to their children for the first time!
Us gun people*
Government taken over by foreign billionaire - I sleep
Children frolicking about at school - raaaaaaage
*To the surprise of no one.
Rules based order
Rare earth minerals in Israel?
I don’t think this reads as what it was probably intended initially…
This was a rushed paper launch for stock holders. And now AMD is going to do the AMD thing, trip and fail to capitalise on this non mew gen from NVIDIA.
Really not sure what they actually launched the antitrust probe for; this is just pure political drama lol Edit: Okay, it is possibly because of Android dominance, but again, still a political drama
It’s not political drama, they were happy to look the other way when there was a quid pro quo. There isn’t one anymore so they enforce their own laws. It’s 2025 not 1825, we’re not right just because we speak English. Although I’m sure a non insignificant portion of the US executive would be more than happy to blockade Beijing and make it rain artillery fire.
The US was also happy to look the other way when Uyghur slaves were manufacturing components for Apple. It’s just normal geopolitics.
Virtually any smartphone manufacturer in China apart from Huawei and Apple pay licensing fees to Google. Sounds very monopoly when tens of manufacturers pay licensing fees to the same company. Right or wrong motivation there’s a compelling case unless one hits the great mental firewall of “China bad”.
Are you really not sure? Say what you will about China, but let’s shelf that for a minute. Much like meta, google is an ever spreading cancer that tries to insert itself into every person’s life and has unlawfully used their trust position to do so everywhere in the world. Regardless of Chinese motivations, odds are google has violated anti-trust there too.
Ok, this is made to sound worse than it is. You guys really huff too much drama.
Eurogamer 3/5 for reasons unrelated to technical issues. Stay classy Eurogamer…
Brace yourselves, freedom fries V2 incoming…