You’re right and even if diagnosing them as Trots seems harsh it’s not wrong.
I’m reading ‘What Is To Be Done’ for the first time & came across this passage (one of many) that highlights the problem quite plainly:
“However, the Bernsteinian and “critical” trend, to which the majority of the legal Marxists turned, deprived the socialists of this opportunity and demoralised the socialist consciousness by vulgarising Marxism, by advocating the theory of the blunting of social contradictions, by declaring the idea of the social revolution and of the dictatorship of the proletariat to be absurd, by reducing the working-class movement and the class struggle to narrow trade-unionism and to a “realistic” struggle for petty, gradual reforms. This was synonymous with bourgeois democracy’s denial of socialism’s right to independence and, consequently, of its right to existence; in practice it meant a striving to convert the nascent working-class movement into an appendage of the liberals.”
South Carolinian here; 43% FUCKING 43%! In a deeply Red state where our Governor just got in trouble for trying to shift almost all the education budget through the back door to private charter schools while leaving almost nothing for public, a state that has one of the highest COVID infection rates and a state where minority/poor communities feel all these impacts disproportionately this is a ticking time bomb.
I want to be angry, I really do, but this is capitalism and “woke” politics reduced to farcical caricature.