I hate Nazis

I hate Islamists

I hate Anti-Democratic People in general

I hate anime haters (like seriously why even)

I hate Antisemitism

I hate neo Leftists

I hate Terrorists

I hate dog shit on my sidewalk

I hate big Cars without necessity

I hate people that tolerate any of the above

  • 3 Posts
Joined 9 days ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2024


  • Exactly, thats what im arguing and uncontrolled immigration is a problem for our society, just as the rise in antisemitism or right wing idiology are.

    And there is no human right to getting to stay in EU when you traveled through other countries first. Ukraine is a different story. This isn’t meant offensive, its just a fact.

    The way to strengthen the weakest link is to reduce the number of people destroying it from inside and giving those that work with us the tools to repair it better, so, throw out people that don’t belong here due to crimes (actual crimes not a parking ticket or shit like that) or involvement in organizations that are considered problematic. And the way to reduce the number of people of destroying it from the outside is to do better Educational work especially in structural weak regions and settle more people from that weak link there (unless they are at risk for violence, i wouldn’t settle gay people in rural Saxony for example…)

  • Exactly and working against that fear is the important part, throwing out people that are problematic is a good step, you can simultaneously work on better integration, like Germany did with the overhaul of the citizenship program.

    Efficient integration also means reducing the number of immigrants in certain areas that have too many, moving them somewhere else is better as they don’t have the ability to build subsocieties

    And of course its not about the numbers itself, its about the number of immigrants that shouldn’t be here due to crimes, there was almost a decade of the issue being effectively ignored and the voters show that, every other day is a headline about a immigrant doing crimes and being known beforehand to the authoritys, its a actual issue, this issue causes xenophobia.

    And im not in favor of a “upper limit” or throwing out people that integrate. Its idiotic to do that and doesn’t help at all, its even counterproductive.

    And of course, fighting the root of the problem would help a lot but its often not possible or too complex, or in some cases counterproductive “look how much money we spend on those [slurs] while people here have it so bad” -right people fishing for voters (efficiently due to our current economic situation)

  • Und aus welchen Gründen sollten die dann plötzlich aufhören Steuern zu zahlen?

    Gibt einige die sich hauptsächlich durch die Kirchensteuer finanzieren angeblich. Genauen Durchblick hat aber niemand.

    War nicht spezifisch auf ihn bezogen, die meisten davor waren auch nicht besser/schlechter.

    Ja wie gesagt es ist nicht in der Verantwortung des Finanzministers das sind hauptsächlich Gesetzgeberische Dinge.

    Ich hatte schon vermutet, dass der Christian das nicht selber mit dem Rechenschieber regelt🙃

    Ich meinte damit das das Finanzministerium das nicht tut, die Mitarbeiter von Lindner auch nicht.

    Und wie bereits gesagt machts der nächste nicht und machts eher rückgängig, schau mal auf die Umfragen.

  • Ich meine damit nicht zwingend die Kirchensteuer Entschädigung, an der Kirche in Deutschland hängen tausende Unternehmen dran die alle Umsatzsteuer zahlen.

    Lindner kann das zwar durchrechnen lassen, aber das ist eigentlich sache vom wissenschaftlichen Dienst, außerdem kann er daran auch nichts ändern, jetzt ist es zu spät in der periode um mit neuen Gesetzes Änderungen anzufangen die die nachfolgende Regierung wieder rückgängig machen wird.