• 44 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I can’t buy one, they are not available in NZ yet. Despite what anyone else says, I like the look, it looks like the bastard child of a delorian and a countach, but in a good way.

    I wouldn’t buy one despite the fact that I like it. It is far too big for NZ roads, I may have overlooked that. But I can’t overlook the fact that Elon has, for me at least, destroyed any good will that was built up. Tesla and all the people who work there have been tarred with the Nazi brush that Elon is wielding.

    The only way that Tesla could claw back any respect from me (and hopefully the rest of the world) would be to oust Elon, and all his family from any decision making in the company. It will not happen so my respect for them is gone!

  • This is a cultural difference. American culture is steeped in violence, you venerate it in almost all of your stories.

    Violence is like fire, properly harnessed, it is a tool for progress. Otherwise it is wildfire and destroys everything around it.

    If those same millions of people who can organize to protest, had instead just decided to strike. I would predict that more would happen, but that requires a collectivist culture, America has been pushing itself along the individualistic line for so long, I’m not sure you have it in you to work together enough.

  • Violence is the last recourse of the failure to properly manage a situation.

    Violence has never been the only answer. Human civilization works only because of this fact, if violence was the only answer we would never have risen beyond a baboon troop size.

    Literally billions of low level conflicts are solved daily without violence.

    In saying the above, “violence is never the answer” is categorically wrong. It has in fact been used throughout history to great effect, but also to terrible effect. We have to be very careful where we apply violence, it tends to make things much worse before they get better (if they do at all).

  • I wouldn’t go so far as to say FTA’s are not worth the paper they are written on, more like some countries are trustworthy and others are not.

    Under Trump, the US is on the slippery slope to being an afterthought. If they cannot be relied upon to keep to their agreements, countries will simply reduce the business that they do with them.

    I know it seems crazy at the moment, as they are still the largest economy in the world. But if they keep eroding the trust that others have in them, their power will fade. The world will work around them.

    My hope is that, the American people will finally understand the shitshow they have imposed upon themselves. With the rising costs from the truly stupid trade war, either Trump will get ousted and sanity will prevail or they will double down and sinkhole their economy.

    No matter what happens, we in NZ have to regard the US as, at best, an unreliable ally. Yes trade with them when we can, but expect them to throw a shit fit and break promises with no notice. Better for us to trade with the reliable partners.