Friendly neighbourhood mod. (he/him)

Canadian, eh. 🇨🇦

(Most active in EDT/EST timezone.)


Telegram (only because more people I know use it):

  • 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • So use Mastodon. Problem solved. Twitter is toxic. You can’t fix Twitter without fixing the whole culture.

    Getting rid of Elon (in some hypothetical universe where you could do that) & restoring the site’s design back to what it used to be isn’t going to change the toxic culture. Twitter only selectively enforces their own rules and it’s been that way since Jack Dorsey was in charge.

    (Here’s an example: I can think of a few tweets where people are ganging up on someone and those are still there to this day. Their rules are very clearly ‘no harassment and no dogpiling’ and they’ve always been that way. Do you think they give a damn to enforce their own rules? Only when Elon’s right-wing buddies are being attacked, then they bother.)

    Restoring the site’s design back to what it used to be isn’t going to magically fix the toxic culture (people sniping, dogpiling, attacking others etc). Better if we just set the whole thing on fire and start from scratch, build something new - oh wait, we have that. It’s called Mastodon. The learning curve isn’t that bad. But that would be learning something new. That would be actively doing something other than complaining.

    Why would you want to back to a place where a billionaire or a corporation collects all your personal data? If you like that sort of thing, go to Threads, Bluesky, Post, etc. Nobody’s stopping you.

  • .world is *a* firefish instance. not the main firefish instance (which is .social).

    so when I said, “it’s not the same person running it” - the flagship instance, if you will, is .social. many of the main people coding it are on .social (afaik). .world is just another instance.

    that was i meant, if i need to clarify : the main main people coding-wise are not the same. the flagship instance (which is not .world) is not run by the same people as the mastodon flagship instance.

    “the flagship instance” (if you will) of Mastodon is not run by the same people who run they are not the same thing, run by the same people.

    that’s what I was getting at. i guess I only make sense to myself.

  • Lol. “I have no interest in your response, I will not be responding” is like shoving your fingers in your ears and yelling “La la la, I can’t hear you”.

    So mature. Do you do this with everyone you disagree with or am I special?

    Btw none of this “evidence” is evidence of anything (I already confirmed there was a meeting with an NDA, thanks for the evidence that supports what I just said!). The Medium link is an opinion and what’s the cartoon supposed to be evidence of? Someone with an opinion who knows how to draw? How is a cartoon evidence of anything?

    So again, you’re believing rumour and gossip. You linked to blogs and opinions and call them sources. I linked to actual news articles (for the most part - you know, actual news reporting and actual quotes from sources) and then you got upset because I corrected you with actual facts of what is happening (not what someone thinks happened). You can provide all the links you want to every editorial/opinion you like but that is not proof. That is proof someone has an opinion. Opinions aren’t backed up by anything, therefore they are not “proof”. Anyone can scream “oh noes, the sky is falling” - that does not prove the sky is falling. I’m talking about facts.

    You’ve been able to prove one thing, though - you’ll believe anything as long as it’s written and you can’t ever be wrong. Gotcha.

    I think we’re done here. Have yourself a lovely day.

  • This is all ridiculous semantic arguments. Yes, you did say there was a deal. Now you’re trying to walk it back.

    The general consensus is that this was going to be a monetary offer to allow Instagram to further colonize the Fediverse by purchasing one of the larger servers.

    Firstly, the last time I checked, “a monetary offer” is what person might otherwise call a deal. If you propose to give me money for something, that is a deal. And as I stated multiple times with proof, no such deal was made. You really don’t like being wrong, do you?

    Instagram and Facebook are owned by Meta. Meta is the controlling entity (Meta owns Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, among other things). Whatever you choose to call it, Instagram or Meta, it is the same company. Potato, po-tah-to. They are in essence the same thing. But let’s be factual: It was Meta, not Instagram who approached those admins and again your information is wrong. this article specifically says Meta, so this does this, and this, and this too

    What you “heard” was rumours and fear-mongering. You have not offered one single solitary shred of proof. I have offered several to the contrary.

  • Huffman’s response to almost every question asked by Jay Peters reeks of spite. Every response has a passive (or not) aggressive undertone. The responses are laced with defensiveness. It’s the behavior of a petulant child. Huffman is trying to imply that third-party apps took advantage of Reddit to build successful businesses on the back of its API, but that’s simply not true.

    Throughout the interview, Huffman repeatedly says that Reddit is “willing to work with the apps that are willing to work with us.” But that offer only seems to apply if you agree to the imminent deadline, agree to the as-proposed API pricing, and agree to not ask for any changes or further clarification.

    Okay then. I guess by your logic, these are the actions of a person who cares about his users. By making the API access so economically unfeasible, it prices out the majority of developers (not saying it should be free, either but let’s be reasonable).

    If you’re so convinced he wants to do good by the users (he doesn’t) and nothing can change your mind, why are you here? Nothing we say is going to convince you and nothing you say is going to convince us. Not by any means trying to silence you, you have a right to your opinion but really, why are you here? I can produce article after article, quote after quote and none of it is going to change your position. What are you hoping to achieve?