That’s the face I make in the morning too.
That’s the face I make in the morning too.
AI is having the left “chick’s” face dipping in and out of existence.
Or you get gaslit and told those things never happened
Bless her lil’ fuzzy noggin
I like how her face looks like she got a bit too close sniffing an ink pad and now it’s on her face.
Wonder if they run into issues with crines similar to an eyelash falling right into our eyes.
I will never not love how their plumage matches tree bark
Making treats for Bitty’s Halloween basket?
Is the belly a trap?
Is there a way to watch this outside of Canada? The app mentioned in the article is not available in my region.
It’s like holding an ice cream cone.
Now that’s just a cotton ball with eyes.
One of the gift shops there has rabbits working the cash register.