I think it was an Archer-Class, same ship Number One was one in the first episode.
I think it was an Archer-Class, same ship Number One was one in the first episode.
I really don’t get why people are so upset about the warp catchphrase thing. I think its great that there’s a tradition through Trek lore. It reinforces to me that these are all people. People working hard to advance themselves to the point they daydream of sitting in the Captain’s chair. Every single Trek nerd can empathize with that daydream.
Ah thank goodness. Haters got me paranoid.
That’s a cryptic comment. Is this going to be one of those “I hate everything new about Star Trek but I keep watching it for some reason anyway” things?
So Die Hard on a spaceship? We did that with Starship Mine already but I definitely wouldn’t mind seeing it again. Is Starfleet’s version of the Hippocratic oath “First, do no harm, unless you have to, in which case go hard.”?
As for the Crossfield-Class, I thought it might either be that the classification of Discovery made them change the format of it for obfuscation purposes. Either that or they built that ship from salvaged parts from the war, and the saucer/transponder was from a Crossfield, and Uhura was simply reading from the transponder code the ship class.
They put it in there like it was no big deal though. It kind of sends the wrong message and makes you ask the question, “Why don’t they just use it all the time?”
So we’re not going to talk about the drugs that supposedly give you the strength to beat teams of Klingons and have no side effects?
Congrats to our four new junior lieutenants, they did in 4 seasons what Harry Kim failed to do in 7.