I also don’t like many fish I think of as ‘fishy’ and salmon is not one of them, meaning I don’t percieve it as fishy. So I think maybe not everyone means the same thing by ‘fishy’.
I also don’t like many fish I think of as ‘fishy’ and salmon is not one of them, meaning I don’t percieve it as fishy. So I think maybe not everyone means the same thing by ‘fishy’.
I always do a df -h before updating. And this recent update was brutally large. I was unable to free enough space by deleting snapshots as I’ve taken to doing lately. What I’ve now started doing is finding directories using a lot of space and moving them from my root partition to another partition I have with more space and then linking that directory back to a directory with the original path. The most recent culprit I found and moved is /var/lib/flatpack. The program filelight is a great tool for finding culprits.
I skip the mental process of ‘my mood is X so let’s listen to composer Y’. How I feel simply makes me feel like playing some Y (or some specific piece, or some type of music since composers often have pieces with different moods, and the type of piece and instruments plays a big role).
Are we having fun yet?
That’s nothing compared to the shartspork.
There are actually lots of photos on the web of crying children sitting on the laps of unintentionally scary mall easter bunnies. :^)
just want to add a couple more ingredients to what’s been mentioned: mollases, liquid smoke
In general salad dressings can work pretty well.
Free style different combos of subsets of the ingredients everyone mentioned. Remember the ones that come out really good.
In the short term. In the long term you are likely going to want to replace ingredients you like as you use them up.
I never could get those magic eye pictures.
I can’t speak for everyone, but I was taught that the Easter Bunny brought the eggs, not laid them. The mechanics were always left vague, but I imagined kind of a large anthropomorphic rabbit. He brought decorated hard boiled eggs and hid them for us to find, and a basket of candy.
Just imagine a furry breaking into your home in the middle of the night to leave gifts.
He’s very sincere and open about his villiany.
I looked up the word ‘apotheosis’ at etymonline.com, and it derived the word from the Greek ‘apotheoun’ which seems like it could be your word, just transliterated from the Greek differently.
I love this so much. When I first switched to Linux, being able to just list a bunch of server aliases along with the private key references in my .ssh/config made my life SO much easier then the redundantly maintained and hard to manage putty and winscp configurations in Windows.
Since OpenSSH version 9.0, so like mid '22. So as long as you’re not running something more out of date than that.
I definitely don’t feel like we live in a world where too much respect for others in public has become a problem.
Honestly, I couldn’t tell if I would be annoyed by how they handled their children or not. They are certainly not an unbiased source, and they could either be exaggerating how wild their children are in public, or oblivious to how bad they are. One would have to see it in person to know.
Because enshittification…
Let me try to help you in a more psychological way: try focusing on how much more important those issues of privacy, respecting user self determination, etc are than all those little trade offs (which sound to me as much like a cranky resistance to change as anything else). You are going to have to accept changes you don’t like along with changes that you might eventually see as improvements if you give it a chance. But even if not, the enshittification element should outweigh all that.
I gave up Windows for Plasma 4.something, over a decade ago to avoid the enshittification of Windows 10, and even then I felt like it was a user interface improvement and it was painful going back every time I booted my window partition. I can’t even imagine how someone can put up with the shit Windows 11 imposes on you. But, hey everyone weighs things differently.
Personally, when software I paid nothing for, made by volunteers, has a flaw or doesn’t meet my preferences, it pisses me off a whole lot less than when software that I’ve paid for, made by a corporation with more money then God, blue screens or forces something on me that I didn’t ask for.
Do you mean the specific exploit performed by the author has been fixed? Or the general vulnerability that this exploit was intended to demonstrate has been fixed? The article ends with a What’s Next section discussing the difficulty of the latter, saying
we don’t think there’s a silver bullet to address the risks caused by the compromise of such central pieces of infrastructure
and going into detail about the challenges for openSUSE OBS. Are you claiming those challenges have all been solved and exploits like this are no longer possible?
Freshness is key. A lot of the taste / smell qualities that put off people who aren’t big on fish increase rapidly with time. So make sure you buy your fish from a source you really trust to have fresh fish, keep it cold (put it on ice, even, on the way home from the store), and use it right away. Like, that very day if at all possible, or at least the next day.
Soaking it in water with some lemon juice can also reduce some of those flavors.