And not even impossible. The EU council and commission can basically freely decide if a state counts as “European”.
I think the biggest hurdle might be that Canada would immediately be the 5th most powerful member state because of their population.
And not even impossible. The EU council and commission can basically freely decide if a state counts as “European”.
I think the biggest hurdle might be that Canada would immediately be the 5th most powerful member state because of their population.
There’s a slight difference in that “Ostsee” is the common name. If the German chancellor decides to call it “Deutsche See” tomorrow, the name would continue to be “Ostsee”, because that’s how language usually works.
“Gulf of America” is just a dictator’s wish of a common name. The people of OpenStreetMap decided to use the tag “official_name:en_US” for that reason, while keeping “Gulf of Mexico” for the commonly used “name:en-US”.
Lemmy itself doesn’t support user tags, but some of the clients like voyager, do.
Junge was hast du denn da eingegeben? Von Hallig Hooge nach Passau sind 16h30. Langes Gebummel nach Hamburg, danach dann aber ziemlich direkt.
What the heck is that map projection? It’s like Mercator on steroids.
Government? No. But I could definitely see private prison corporations making money selling prison slave labor weed.
We should absolutely steal it. All the different articles serve no linguistic purpose at all. You could literally just use “de” and “en” in German today, and it’d be perfectly understandable.
To be fair: The US did join the European theater despite having their hands full across the Pacific.
Zeitpläne für DND gibt es (hab ich auch drin), aber leider ohne den schönen “nur beim Laden” Haken.
Muss ich mich halt etwas umgewöhnen, aber echt kein Weltuntergang.
Ich hab seit einer Woche CalyxOS auf meinem 4A (nachdem Google das Stock OS komplett unbrauchbar gepatcht hat), sonst ziemlich ähnliche Situation.
Das einzige was ich vermisse ist der Schlafmodus, wo das Handy automatisch auf stumm geht, wenn es nach Uhrzeit X am Strom hängt. Der ist aber Teil von Digital Wellbeing, was wohl eine extreme Datenkrake ist.
Having looked at the comic, I can confirm that Betteridge’s law still applies.
Imagine you are at a station, making a call on speakerphone in public (because you’re an asshole). Then you get approached by a person asking you to turn of the speaker (not even to end the call, mind you).
At that point, I’d imagine the normal thing is to just comply with that request (even for dicks on speakerphone).
Now imagine this person being not some random passenger, but someone working for the train company, in uniform and everything. And they’re telling you that they will fine you if you don’t comply.
At this point, how fucking deep up your own ass do you have to be to ignore them?
Es nervt zu erklären, deshalb kommt diese Frage nur einmal
The US and Gaza might suffer, but I got this really nice high horse to sit on.
Das schöne am Aktienmarkt ist, dass er von der Realität und Vernunft generell ziemlich entkoppelt ist.
In diesem Fall war das initiale Problem, dass die KI Aktien extrem überbewertet waren (relativ zum erwarteten Umsatz/Gewinn dieser Formen). Das ist aber nicht stabil, und es ist anzunehmen, dass die Kurse nach einen Einbruch nicht wieder diese hohen erreichen.
Sobald also irgendjemand anfängt, zu verkaufen, muss man quasi mitziehen, solange der Kurs noch halbwegs hoch ist. So entsteht im Nu eine solche Kurskaskade.
In Germany, people are very concerned about Zugluft, i.e. draft from opening multiple windows.
Do you not have to actually use patents to keep them?
Eigentlich passend für den Personenkult, dass sie ihre anderen Mitglieder nicht mal zählen.
Dazu kommt noch, dass rassistische Polizisten ebenfalls dafür sorgen, dass Ausländer häufiger in der PKS vorkommen.
Nah, let them file all they want, so long as they pay for them. If they’re bogus patents, they’re rejected and it’s basically just a money transfer to the patent office employees.