booty [he/him]

  • 11 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2020


  • god i love driving

    i love driving dude

    i love how at least like once a week some random stranger tries to commit a murder-suicide on me! it’s just the best!

    in no other activity am i regularly reduced to tears from the stress of having nearly (or, occasionally, actually) watched someone fucking die right in front of me due to their own stupid fucking actions! i love how no matter how safely i drive, some motherfucker is still going to pull out in front of me giving me 0.7 seconds to either slam into them or swerve into a lane that i dont have time to check if it’s safe! and you know what? im gonna fucking swerve because no matter how fucking stupid this dumbass is I still don’t want to crush them behind tons of steel because, unlike them, I’m not a fucking piece of shit. so mostly it’s just me and some other random strangers in danger, not this fucking dumbass probably staring at his phone coming out of a fucking military base FUCK YOU

  • I’d just like to add as a top-level comment here how much disgusting shit this guy’s said previously. He’s been a missing stair for at least around a year just going by the modlog. With such hits as:

    Outright antifeminism

    Feminists conveniently favouring patriarchal benefits and hating men altogether.

    This is why it is dangerous to support feminism, since it no longer is about equality. It is a gender supremacist movement, just like redpill movement.

    and disgusting brazen misogyny

    I have observed quite a few women in my life, no matter the age or generation. Each one of them has been hysterical, gossiping shit behind backs, some even cocbloc’d me and my friends, will go onto shamelessly make 🤏 signs about men while gossiping during their girl talks, and being really just dramatic for arbitrary reasons. Thankfully I have not met many Karens, because they are way worse and are basically the same as reactionary rightwing “anti-trans” men – a nuisance and net negative to society. One feminist in college was a horrible creature, and when I was working on self improving myself back then, she told me that my self improving does not matter to anyone. These same “feminists” will talk about positive talk with selective women, but trash all men and even some women they do not “vibe” with. Men on the other hand are calm and avoid drama until there is a need or it becomes impossible, and are usually only chimps when it comes to the gym and when chasing women. Even then, outside of the really extreme incels and Tateists, most men will not talk about trashing women. Men even aid the efforts for equality with women, but women never advocate for men’s rights.

    Women are known to have hysterical, chaotic traits and are gossipers (in reality and not just media) and most jealous women usually cocbloc their girl friends. It has happened to me. Women are far more biologically wired for emotional needs, whereas men are wired for physical strength traits.

    Just a couple of choice quotes from the modlogs of hexbear and It shouldn’t be surprising to any of the admins that this fucker is also a pedo. Why was he allowed to stick around this long?

  • If you write something, you own the copyright, period. There’s no registration process or anything like that. If you made it, it’s yours, legally. And the only process involved to exercise your legal rights would just be proving that you’re actually the one who made it.

    Of course, none of that makes it certain that no one will claim it as their own or use it for something you don’t want. As a general rule, just assume that anything you don’t want used in a way you don’t like simply shouldn’t be put out into the public at all, regardless of what kind of license you package with it. If you’re an average person and not a billionaire good luck exercising any kind of legal rights for intangible stuff like written words.

    It is generally a good idea to include with anything you put out there some kind of license, which could be as simple as a .txt file that says “Made by [name], free to use for xyz purposes with abc caveats”

    For a book stuff like that can go into the first or last couple pages that usually include all sorts of random boring information and publisher credits and whatnot

  • booty [he/him]@hexbear.nettomain@hexbear.netmain
    3 days ago

    I do think the floating mountain behind the logo above two regular mountains behind the logo is kinda unfixable AI-ism. Like you could just paint over the mountain and all its yellow glow line things with blue sky but at that point you’re turning it into a different image entirely and it would probably look really boring

  • You have no idea what the person who donated that was thinking.

    It doesn’t matter what the person who donated the $4000 was thinking, the money could have literally appeared from thin air and nothing relevant to us here on this comm would change. It doesn’t matter where the money came from or what the person intended. It wasn’t their money anymore. It was the money of the person who requested donations, and they could do with it whatever they wanted. What we’re trying to do here is convince that person to change the way they spend their money so that they don’t end up dead in a ditch or a drug den within the next few years. Because that would be a bad outcome and we’d prefer to see a better outcome for our comrades.

  • or otherwise supposedly “pissing it all away” on luxuries anyone more rich and privileged would rarely if ever be judged for buying, even and especially here

    The point is, it doesn’t matter if you take the money and spend it on drugs. If you’re addicted to drugs, drugs are a basic need. You have to have some amount of them while you’re getting off of them, even if that’s your plan. And if it’s not, I really don’t care except insofar as it keeps you from finding housing and handling your other basic needs.

    The problem is not buying drugs with donated money. The problem is failing to take any measures to meet basic needs with the money. To take a $4000 donation and then spend it all on ??? and not use any of it to secure shelter, or food, or other basic needs is a problem. And it’s a problem that cannot be solved by receiving more donated money. Maybe if they got the attention of a billionaire who could give them $50k, then they could satisfy all of their desire to spend money on ??? and still have some left over to spend on food and shelter. But since none of us are billionaires, we simply cannot fill this pit with money alone. If we here on /c/mutual_aid truly want to help the user in question, all we can do is try to convince them to change the way that they are handling what money they do acquire.

    We’re not mad that money we gave is being spent on stuff we don’t prefer, we’re not mad at the user in question at all. We’re trying to get through to the user in question that this path they’re walking leads only to an early death and that matters to us because all we want is for our comrades to be safe and healthy.