It seems like you misunderstood my point. By saying that we should use more resources to make computing simpler I meant something like using a garbage collector, which trades some computing cycles and memory for better productivity and not something like bloating stuff up by using Electron. A lot of programming languages where designed when computers where slower and had not much memory. I would happily give 5% of performance and memory to have another improvement in productivity like the invention of the garbage collector gave us.
… and now it actually feels more productive than Java.
Java has always been full of boilerplate code, therefor it never really was very productive (maybe when compared to C++). I don’t get why anyone still writes Java, when there is Kotlin.
- Java code is approximately 50% shorter than C++ code
- Kotlin code is approximately 50% shorter than Java code
- Haskell code is approximately 80% shorter than Kotlin code
→ what takes one pages in C++, takes 2-4 lines in Haskell.
To the Nushell discussion: Nu is my main shell and I have contributed a bit of code to it in the past.
I love about sway/i3 → my desktop doesn’t change. Once you got everything setup the way you like it, stuff just works. Beside this, switching between applications on different workspaces becomes a natural thing to do. When I think file-manage, my fingers press alt+3 and the focus is on the file manager… that is the magic of tiling window managers.